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BitComet Beta [20100804] is here!


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Dear all,

The latest Beta version of BitComet has just been released, you're all welcomed to download it HERE.



GUI Improved: add Summary tab to Torrent History and Torrent Share list

GUI Improved: open Torrent from URL dialog supports multiple URLs

GUI Improved: export all torrents in one time by selecting multiple tasks in task list, Torrent History or Torrent Share list

GUI Improved: display "click to add" in file list when BitTorrent task missing ED2K links

GUI Change: CometPassport renamed to CometID

GUI Bugfix: percent of score bar for CometID level up displays invalid for level 50+ (v1.22)

GUI Bugfix: after modifying save path in task properties dialog and selecting moving files, the downloaded files are copied to new folder, not moved

GUI Bugfix: no beeps after download completed (v1.22)

GUI Bugfix: after changing torrent file encoding in task properties dialog, the task name in Torrent History is not refreshed

Core Improve: supports HTTP 301/302 redirecting for Web Seed

Core Improve: eMule plugin Xtreme Mod upgraded to v8.0 (eMule v0.50a)

Core Improve: after error code received from Tracker, increase retry interval and re-connect later

Core Bugfix: if BitTorrent task containing multiple files, multiple eMule plugin will be launched incorrectly(v0.50a)

Core Bugfix: failed to generate Crash Report in Vista/Win7 (v1.22)

Core Bugfix: upload task number limit works incorrectly when there are any task whose torrent not downloaded yet

Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback here.

Thank you for your support.

The BitComet Team

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