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  1. I have just proved the version 0.74 and it works fatally at the time of sharing does not remain a fixed source they are changing and in the end there is shared very little for which recoje seeds that 0 % has for what if and shared 5Gb the users continue with 20 % you lie that with another version 1.5GB 100 % had the movie shared this version it is bad does not serve to share it is very unstable at the time of cojer sources I am sharing a file of 1Gb and to this step I do not believe that it will finish the sources ever they change too rapidly without sharing a fixed user and you are always cojen to the seeds that 0 % has on the other hand that the most ancient version in 2 hours had it shared> ( if this version comes with a new configuacion he might say to me as with it to leave 6 fixed sources so that they share instead of are cojiendo sources that are to 0 % thank you a greeting
  2. Bitcomet 0.74 la peor de todas acabo de probar la version 0.74 y funciona fatal a la hora de compartir no se queda un fuente fija se van cambiando y al final se comparte muy poco por que recoje semillas que tienen 0% por lo que si e compartido 5Gb los usuarios siguen con el 20% mientas que con la otra version 1.5GB tenia la pelicula 100% compartida esta version es mala no sirve para compartir es muy inestable a la hora de cojer fuentes estoy compartiendo un archivo de 1Gb y a este paso no creo que acabare nunca las fuentes se cambian demasiado rapido sin compartir a un usuario fijo y estas siempre cojen a las semillas que tienen 0% en cambio que la version mas antigua en 2 horas lo tenia compartido >( si esta version viene con una configuacion nueva podria decirme como consigo dejar 6 fuentes fijas para que compartan en vez de estar cojiendo fuentes que estan al 0% gracias un saludo ______________________________________________________________________________ English BitComet 0.74, the worst of all. I just tried out version 0.74 and it works awful when it's time to share. It doesn't stay with a fixed source, they keep changing and, at the end, there is little sharing because it picks up seeds that have 0% - which, if I've shared 5Gb, users stay at 20%. While with the other version, I had a 1.5GB movie shared 100%. This version is bad, it doesn't serve to share and is very unstable when obtaining sources. I'm sharing a 1Gb file and, at this rate, I think that I'll never finish. The sources change too quickly without sharing with a fixed user and these always choose the seeds that have 0%. However, with the older version, in two hours I had everything shared >( If this version comes with a new configuration, could you tell me how I can achieve leaving 6 sources fixed, in order that they may share, instead of choosing sources that are 0%? Thank you and regards.
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