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About gazzyk1ns

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  1. What about the people who click the PayPal button in BitComet and donate? Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with it, I'm just pointing it out.
  2. I experienced that bug too - and additionally, clicking on a torrent in the top pane didn't result in the details being displayed in the bottom pane.
  3. I came here specifically to say that I've experienced exactly the same problem as ziggz. It clearly isn't purely a case of BC mis-reporting the actual upload speeds, becuase I can see that the download speed is being slowed because the upstream is being periodically "maxed". Simply from observing it, it's like the upstream is being allowed to max out, then BC responds and throttles it back; as opposed to just limiting it in the first place. Another bug I noticed immediately after upgrading to 0.71 is that the torrent list kept refreshing itself (i.e. "blinking") - that's irritating. I am disappointed that after waiting nearly 2 months for a new version of BC, a patently unstable version has been released.
  4. Often, when I (re-) start a torrent seeding, I'll see that BitComet is downloading at something like 4kb/sec, for about 10 seconds. There's no more of the torrent to download - so is this just tracker communication? I would have assumed that tracker communication would only require a seriously small amount of data to be downloaded, not the hundred or so KB which I can infer (from BitComet telling me that I'm downloading at a few kb/sec, for about 10 secs).
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