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About zotrix83

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Se me olvidaba, utilizo la version 0.76 de Bitcomet, el Windows XP, y router DSL-504T I forgot, I use BitComet v. 0.76, Windows XP and, a DSL-504T router.
  2. Buenas tardes, Soy nuevo con este programa, pero al recomendarmelo tanta gente, me he decidido a instalarmelo. Al pirncipio me bajaba a muy poca velocidad, abri el puerto de comunicación, y me sigue bajando a una velocidad bastante lento (entre 5-15kb/s). Yo lo he visto descargando en otro pc a mas de 60Kb/s A que puede ser debido???? Gracias Good afternoon, I'm new to this program but, since so many people were recommending it, I decided to install it. At the beginning its was downloading at a very low speed, I opened the communication port and it still downloads at a very slow speed (between 5-15kb/s). I've seen it downloading on another PC at more than 60Kb/s. What could be the cause of this??? Thank you.
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