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About qwertywraith

qwertywraith's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've been tweaking my upload maximums. Today for example, I had 2 finished torrents I wanted to seed, and a torrent I started downloading. No matter how low I put the upload speed on that download the other two seeding torrents would not get ANY speed at all.
  2. Hey, I just finished a LONG download and I would like to keep seeding. Right now there are 4 peers but no other seeds, but for some reason I'm not connecting. It's indicating I'm uploading with an upload arrow and I'm connected to 4 peers, but I haven't uploaded anything. While I was downloading I uploaded 5 times what I downloaded. I've seeded other torrents without far less trouble. I'm downloading at the same time and most of my upload speed is dedicated there. Could that be an issue? Should I dedicate time to JUST seed? So can anyone help me seed?
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