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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration


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About xnd08

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  1. I can't login to Bitcomet since last Saturday night making it 3 days in a row already. . Could only get the error message "Unable to sign in CometPassport at this time.". . Nowhere in the forum was there any announcement on what's hapenning? . Are there other users facing the same problem?
  2. I can't login to Bitcomet since last Saturday night making it 3 days in a row already. . Could only get the error message "Unable to sign in CometPassport at this time.". . Nowhere in the forum was there any announcement on what's hapenning? . Are there other users facing the same problem?
  3. I had been using BitComet for sometime and the this problem of loggin in to the server through Bitcomet had be occurring now and then. When it first occurred in Dec 2009, it was because the servers are moving but now after a month, are the servers still being moved? It is like then u can login but now u can't. I login about 2 hours ago, that is after trying for almost 15min. I just logged out and then try to login again but can't. So it is like by chance that u can log in, this happens especially frequently during weekends. I wouldn't want to irritate the staff but what is happening is very irritating to me as a user. Someone may say that this is a problem only with the logging in but does not affect the upload and download. However, please do not merge this 2 issues as they are different issues. Anyway, we are suppose to be able to upload/download beter after we logged in, unless it is not so????? If there is a problem, the least the admin can do is to post it in the forum so at least user will know. Thanks in advance if anyone will enlighten.
  4. Thanks. Any idea when will be back to normal please?
  5. Hi, can't login through bitcomet since last night, what happened? Anyone experiencing the same problem?
  6. Hi there, I was able to login this morning but when I noticed that the Scores are not updating, I logout and try to re-login. However, I was unable to login again, it just gives the message unable to log into server. Any other people experiencing the same problem ??
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