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la pepita

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About la pepita

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hola acabo de comenzar a usar bitcomet y hasta ayer funcionaba bien pero esta mañana se ha quedado todo colgado, esta conectado, esta activado, tengo luz verde para la descarga, en fin todo esta bien pero no descarga nada me he leido todo lo que he encontralo en los foros y no me ha solucionado nada alguien podria ayudarme por favor engo el bitcomet o,7 por si vale de algo, bueno se me olvidaba me llamo pepa no me habia presentado lo siento Hello. I've just begun to use BitCoemt and, until yesterday, it worked well but, this morning everything just [froze]. It's connected, it's activated, I have the green light for the download... everything is OK but it won't download anything. I've read everything that I could find in the forums [but] it hasn't solved anything. Could someone please help me. I have BitComet 0.70, if that worth anything. I forgot, my name is Pepa... I hadn't introduced myself, excuse me.
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