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About quakze

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  1. Re: kluelos Now what you say for this example ? Please check the link below http://yfrog.com/5mbitcometgj From the above picture it is clear that some place it is dark blue and some place light blue indicating the availability of the torrent in whole. Here the point is clear that file availability remains approximately constant. For a brilliant people a hint is enough !
  2. Thanks for the quick response. If all the leechers downloading some specific file in the torrent (refer the above example), which is new. So now off course the availability of that file will be high and remain approximately constant. The idea is interesting, But only the question is, can You feel the same way. I had come across many situations like this, where I could not do any thing but only to wait until the full Torrent download is complete. I have done my part of contribution, now it is your choice ? Thanks Quakze
  3. Thanks for the detail response. I am a happy user of BitComet, so I am not complaining about any thing. I understand your point, But my point is different. Let say the torrent size is 100GB, containing 100 files and seeder is not continuously seeding. Now If I want to download all, and don't want to waste time waiting for the whole download to complete automatically. Then what are my options: I have to choose and prioritize, with out knowing which file availability is high. So if availability feature is available then I can pick better one, Right ? Thanks Quakze
  4. What would be the purpose of having such a feature? for instance, If there is a torrent with collection of films(or tutorials), I could prioritise the one which is highly available than which is not available for instant downloading. This is just the hint of usage, rest will learn as use the feature. Thanks Quakze
  5. As torrent could be a bundle of many different files, availability per file in the Torrent will help in knowing which is the most wanted file(s) and to know the status of the file(s) we are downloading
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