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About florinmacri

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  1. Am trecut de pe cablu pe wireless si invers si adresele IP sunt diferite dar portul de ascultare ramane deschis indiferent de conexiune. Mai trebuie sa fac acele setari? I switched from wired to wireless and backwards and the IP addresses are different but the listening port is still open regardless of what connection I'm using. Do I still need to make those settings?
  2. Mii de multumiri, bulina de la portul de ascultare este verde. Inca odata multumesc! Many thanks, the port status light is now green. Thanks again!
  3. Multumesc frumos pentru ajutor, am sa citesc cu atentie toate adresele care mi le-ai trimis iar printscreen-ul arata asa: Thanks a lot for your help, I'll read all the pages you sent me thoroughly and the screenshot looks like this: Doc1.zip
  4. Am amandoua variantele la indemana, insa deobicei folosesc wireless. Totodata am observat ca in dreptul bulinei galbene de la portul bitcomet este trecuta adresa mea IP si nr portului de ascultare iar cand merg cu mouse-ul acolo imi apare mesajul de a-mi verifica configuratia parafocului firewall sau routerul NAT. PS. Intre timp am mai butonat putin si am descoperit urmatoarele : - conectivitate IPv4 : internet - conectivitate IPv4 : fara acces la retea I have both at my disposal but I mainly use wireless. I also notice that my IP address and listen port is written next to the yellow light and when I hover my mouse over it I see a message telling me to check my firewall and NAT router settings. PS In the meantime I meddled with my pc a bit more and I discovered the following: - ipv4 connectivity : internet - ipv4 connectivity : no network access
  5. Revin cu ce am mai facut. Am incercat sa-mi aflu adresa IP astfel:http://whatismyipaddress.com si am reusit. Am intrat in router la adresa si am facut setarile indicate de dvs dar portul de ascultare tot blocat ramane. Routerul l-am cumparat eu dintr-un magazin, nu l-am primit de la Romtelecom. PS. Cu programul PFconfig nu m-am descurcat deloc, imi da mesaj ca nu-mi gaseste adresa IP I'm back with more of what I've done. I tried to find my IP address and I did it with http://whatismyipaddress.com. I entered my router at the address and I've done the settings you indicated but my listening port is still blocked. I bought my router from the store, I didn't get it from Romtelecom. PS. I haven't done anything with the PFConfig program, it says it can't find my IP address.
  6. Scuze de intarziere dar am fost plecat.Am incercat cu portforward si am primit urmatorul mesaj dupa mai multe incercari : could not parse or YP adress or gateway Iar imaginea este asa: PS. Am descarcat full version al PF si ajung la un moment unde imi cere username-ul si parola routerului ! Ce este de facut ? Sorry for the delay but I was gone for some time. I tried the portforward tool but I received the following message after many tries : Could not parse your IP address. And the image is like this:(attached doc) PS. I downloaded the full version of PF and I get to a step where it asks for the user name and password of the router ! What should I do? Doc1.zip
  7. Incerc sa atasez print screen-ul Am uitat sa va spun ca am reinstalat win7 recent iar router-ul nu l-am instalat. Trebuiesc facute anumite setari? I'm trying to attach a screenshot. I forgot to tell you but I reinstalled Windows 7 recently and I haven't installed the router too. Do I have to change some settings? Doc1.zip
  8. Salut! Este exact la fel. Hi! It's exactly the same.
  9. Salut! Portul de ascultare este blocat , iar cele 2 viteze globale de descarcare si incarcare sunt setate pe nelimitat. Hi! My listening port is blocked , and the two downloading and uploading speeds are both set to unlimited.
  10. Am facut azi testele si rezultatele sunt urmatoarele: - PING=24ms - DOWN=12,27 Mbps - Upload=0,87 Mbps Deasemenea am teste si cu SpeedUpMyPc si rezultatele sunt: - sistem teaks : 40 - speed tools : 3 - Junk files : 4 La BITCOMET nu am facut nici o setare . Asa cum l-am instalat asa a ramas. La testul cu SpeedUp am incercat sa reduc din probleme. La sistem teaks nu am indraznit sa intru ca nu stiu ce setari sa fac, la restul am redus cat am putut sau cat m-a lasat computerul mai bine zis. I did the tests today, and here are the results: - PING=24ms - DOWN=12,27 Mbps - Upload=0,87 Mbps Also I tested my pc with SpeedUpMy pc and the results are as follows: - sistem tweaks : 40 - speed tools : 3 - Junk files : 4 I made no change to BitComet's settings. It's the same as it was when I installed it. I tried to fix some of the problems with SpeedUpMyPC. I didn't dare to change anything at the system tweaks because I don't know what settings to change. I reduced the number of problems as much as I could, or it's better to say that I did as much as the computer let me to.
  11. Va salut! Intervin si eu cu o problema care s-a mai discutat si pe alte topicuri insa cu alte caracteristici. Eu am conexiune internet ADSL Romtelecom, prin Router LINKSIS model WAG120N , versiunea bitcomet 1.27 iar viteza de download este foarte mica. Ce setari trebuie sa fac? Antivirus folosesc Microsoft internet essential ,iar ca SO - WIN7 Home Premium Multumesc! Hi! I have a problem that has been discussed on other threads, but with other specifics. I have an ADSL connection from Romtelecom, through a router LINKSYS WAG120N, the version of BitComet I use is 1.27, and my download speed is very small. What settings should I change? My antivirus is Microsoft Internet Essentials, and my OS is WIN7 Home Premium. Thanks!
  12. Va salut! Sunt nou inregistrat, client mai vechi al bitcomet, sunt din Romania si va urez numai bine! Hi! I've just registered, I'm an older client of BitComet, I'm from Romania and I give you my best wishes!
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