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About zeromaterial

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  1. Hola, espero y alguien pueda ayudarme o aclararme un problema en Bitcomet. Bien tengo el Bitcomet 1.32 x64. Y tengo aproximadamente 3 meses usandolo sin ningun problema hasta el dia de hoy. Uso mi CometID y me gusta compartir archivos mucho mas de lo que descargo, el problema es que desde hace 2 dias tenia la sensacion de que habia sobrepasado los 200 GB de subida (cargado) (Pestaña "Estadisticas" en el fondo de la tabla) y me dije, esta bien tal vez me equivoque. Pero el dia de ayer lo deje subiendo todo el dia y llego a la carga de 210 GB entonces detuve las subidas y apague mi computadoras como lo hago antes de ir a dormir. Hoy por la mañana prendo la computadora, abro BitComet y veo que me sale esto (Total cargado 198.43 GB) Acabo de dejar a que llegara a 200 GB y reinicie la computadora y sigue saliendo (Total cargado 198.43 GB). Sin embargo en el "Indice de Comparticion" todo va bien no se regresa a cuando estaba en (198.43 GB). Quizas es un detalle que no estorba, pero quiero que mi BitComet funcione al 100% no me gustan estas pequeñas anomalias, ademas quiero conocer mi cantidad de comparticion. Quiero desinstalar e instalar de nuevo, pero tengo varias subidas y yo soy el "seed" original. Y no quiero perder esos trabajos que comparto. Espero me den una solucion, o me digan como no perder mis torrents unicos. Que tienen varios "leechers" ya aun no los completan al 100% Hello, I hope that somebody can help me or clear up a problem with BitComet I have BitComet 1.32 x64, and have been using it for about three months without any problems, to date. I use my CometID a like sharing files much more than what I download. The problem is that, since 2 days ago, I had the feeling that I had surpassed the 200GB upload [limit/mark] (Stadistics tab, at the bottom of the table), and I said to myself, "all right, perhaps I was mistaken." Yesterday, however, I left it uploading all day and it reached 210GB. I then stopped all uploads and turned off my computer like I do, just before going to sleep. This morning, I turned on my computer, open upBitComet and see the following: Total Uploaded 198.43GB. I let it run until it reaches 200GB, reboot the computer and it still comes up Total Uploaded 198.43GB. However, in the 'Sharing Index' [share Ratio] everything seems to be all right and it doesn't go back to when it was at 193.48GB. Perhaps it's a small unimportant detail, but I want my BitComet to work 100% and I don't like those small anomalies. Besides, I want to know my Share Ratio. I want to uninstall and re-install anew but, I've got several uploads and I am the original Seeder, and I don't want to lose those [tasks] that I am sharing. I hope that you can give me a solution, or tell me how not to lose my unique torrents, which now have various leechers but [they haven't completed downloading 100%] yet.
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