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Tengo algunas dudas

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Hola, veo que han quitado la version 0.70 de bitcomet y ahora supuestamente la 0.77 es la ultima version estable. Pero hace una semana atras, me lo instale y no andaba ni para atras ni para adelante. Tambien veo que hay muchos post que dicen lo mismo, que la version 0.77 anda mal. ¿Acaso le han corregido algo para que lo considere estable ahora?

Recien segui los pasos del tutorial "Guía para Redirigir el Puerto y Establecer IP Estática" Me quede con dudas, el modem que tengo es de CastleNet modelo CXC150 y en las opciones no sale este modelo, solo sale "AS800" y "CBW511". ¿Que hago? ¿Elijo cualquiera de los dos?

Por ultimo, eso de tener que loguearse dentro de bitcomet 0.77 ¿para que sirve? Porque en la version 0.70 no hay esa cosa.

Bueno, espero que me respondan y de antemano muchas gracias.



Hello, I see that BitComet v. 0.70 has been removed and, now v.0.77 is supposedly the latest stable version. About one week ago, however, I installed it, but it didn't work 'any way you looked at it'. I also see that there are a lot of posts that say the same thing: that v.0.77 doesn't work well. Have they corrected something to make me consider it stable now?

As soon as I followed the steps in the "How to Set up Portforwarding & Static IP" Guide, I was left with doubts. The modem that I have is a CastleNet, model CXC150 and, in the options, it doesn't show that model - only "AS800" and "CBW511". What should I do? Should I just choose any which one of the two?

Lastly, the part about having to log in, within BitComet v.0.77 - what is the purpose of this? - because in v.0.70 there is no such thing.

Well, I hope that you reply and, I thank you very much, in advance.



Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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0.77 hasn't ever been stable, so people should upgrade only if they are prepared to find out that it is indeed, not stable. It has many new, semi-implemented, untested features (like the log in and BC Passport) which will probably cause problems.

The CXC 150 is a modem only, and not a router. It does not have a firewall built-in. The entire port-forwarding issue does not apply to anyone who is not using a router with a built-in firewall, because they have nothing that needs a port forwarded through.

La versión 0.77 jamás ha sido estable, por tanto, usuarios sólo deberían actualizar si están preparados para descubrir que, en efecto, no es estable. Ésta tiene muchas características nuevas, 'semi-implementadas' y sin comprobar a fondo (tal y como el "log in" y "BC Passport") que, probablemente, causarán problemas.

El CXC 150 es sólo un módem y no un rúter. No tiene un cortafuegos incorporado. Todo el tema de redirigir un puerto, no es aplicable a alguien que no esté usando un rúter con cortafuegos incorporado, ya que no tienen nada que precise un puerto redirigido.

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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Gracias por traducir mis preguntas y gracias por contestarlas.

Entonces, si no es problema de mi modem entonces ¿por que me anda mal el sistema bittorrent? por las mañanas y tardes practicamente no me baja nada y por las noches no me supera los 20 KBs (no importa que programa use, si es bitcomet, bitspirit, utorrent, etc) ¿es por el problema de mi proveedor de internet? segun lei por muchos foros, que comentan que muchos proveedores de internet, estan "capando" (restringiendo) la transferencia de datos a traves de programas p2p, ¿es asi la cuestion?



Thank you for translating my questions and thank you for answering them.

If it's not a problem with my modem then, why does my bittorrent system not function properly? In the mornings and afternoons I practically can't get anything to download and, at night, my speed doesn't exceed 20KBs (it doesn't matter which program I use, be it BitComet, BitSpirit, UTorrent, etc.).

Is the problem with my ISP? From what I've read in many forums, it has been said that many ISPs are "throttling" (restricting) the transferral of data through p2p programs. Is this the issue?



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Your description does sound like ISP throttling. You can try using encryption (Preferences, Advanced, Connection), which may help. You can usually find out, through Google, whether your ISP has indeed been reported as doing that. You should, though, also carefully review the settings guide just to make certain you've configured your client properly.

Tu descripción suena como si, en efecto, fuese cuestión de que el Proveedor de Internet (ISP) estuviese restringiendo el tráfico. Puedes probar usando 'encripción' (encryption) - Preferencias, Avanzado, Conexión - lo cual puede que te ayude.

A través de Google, normalmente puedes averiguar si han habido reportes informando que tu ISP ha estado haciendo eso. No obstante, también deberías revisar cuidadosamente la Guía de Ajustes, para asegurarte de que has configurado tu ciente correctamente.

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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