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About Seven_PRX

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  1. Right now I have 1.16 installed. Downloaded, and trying to install 1.17. Setup starts, I select the language (English), press OK, then setup just stops (no process left). Tried running as admin or normal user, no difference. Win7 x64. Anybody have the same problem, or solution? Thnx
  2. It takes more space Horizontally in the bottom part, but, it LEAVES less space Vertically (for your torrent list). And the old had UI much more functionality. Another thing is: The new version doesn't display the Tab Tracker when the torren't ísn't active. So, you can't see what there tracker is. Also, the fact that nobody complained about it yet, doesn't mean people don't feel the same way. The number you mention has no relation whatsoever to this discussion. 52k forum users don't mean 52k BC users. It doesn't mean 52k 1.15+ Users. Next to that, too many people are too lazy to voice their opinion.
  3. I'm talking about the bottom half of the screen, where you have options like Summary, Content, Tackers, Files, etc. Pre 1.15 this was split into two, where the left side had the different options, and the right side had the info. Starting 1.15 this was changed to be one window, with tabs above it. Works horrible. Please bring back the old style.
  4. Thats strange, cause on the official download page it is listed as the Latest Offical Release. So as the stable. So not the latest Beta release. http://www.bitcomet.com/doc/download.htm And as for me and the Information tab: in my case it is entirely empty... Seems a bit useless to me...
  5. Ok, finally we seem to have a stable version since 0.70, EXCEPT for the following: In the new version (0.77) TRACKER & TRACKER Status are not working in some situations (this are things listed under Summary). Meaning: some trackers for example have limits on the number of downloads at one time, lets say 10. So, I start 10. Then the 11th torrent, SHOULD give an Error Message at Tracker Status. For example, in 0.70, it would give the error the tracker tells me, like: You are already downloading 10 torrents. Version 0.77 says "tracker returned code 0" or something usless like this. Also, the new Information tab, is totally blank for me. But to recap: Tracker & Tracker Status are NOT working properly (actually 1 of those 2 seems to have been removed in 0.77, but I forgot which one, cause I'm back @ 0.70). -7
  6. I have the same, see my post: http://forums.bitcomet.com/index.php?showtopic=2255 0.71 seems a really really bad release. I downgraded to 0.70 and everything works again...
  7. I just 'upgraded' to the new version, and none of the Torrents in my list work anymore. Meaning: I cant seed anymore or download new Torrents. The errors differ per site, but 2 I get: 1) Tracker Response:torrent not registered with this tracker 2) Tracker returne Zero Length Response This happens with both trying to download something new, and trying to seed which I have already downloaded. Reverting back to 0.70 solves the problem. And yes, the Advanced options are gone (such as task specific UP&DOWN speeds), and you can't Pause or Resume anymore. And also when you start the client, you get a Q if you want to install the Chinese language pack...? Why these changes? 1st of all, the Client is 100% useless now, and even if it would work, it would have LESS options...??? Sounds like a downgrade to me...
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