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About Tasha2

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  1. Aha! The mystery is solved. This morning I tried another download and the "p2sp_connected" heading appeared with one LT Seed showing below - so its working as you describe (and as in GTW's screen shot). This is the first time the system has shown an LT Seed during a download and I don't recall ever seeing the "p2sp_connected" heading before. (Bearing in mind that I've had LT Seeding shut off until recently because it appeared to me to be a complicated option to burn up resources with little to no benefit). Truly amazing. As you say, if this feature was widely understood, BC would be the most popular. Many thanks to you both for your time and patience. I will now leave LT Seeding turned on and leave all downloads complete with their sub-files in my dedicated download HDD until the drive is almost full. Now if there was a simple way to tell which of the finished torrents are LT seeding (when they are active), that would be icing on the cake.
  2. Sorry, poor choice of words in my previous #17. Please bear with me. I just have to get this straight: For example, right now I'm LT seeding somebody @ 106KB/s. It shows in my bottom Windows task area, the top Download/Upload info bar at the top of the BC page and in the LT Seeding portion of the "Overall Upload Rate" line of the BC Statistics page. All of my tasks - including the one which is actually seeding - show stopped and there is no activity in any info column (including all Upload columns). The only way that I can tell (that I know of) which task is doing the seeding is to check for changes in the share ratio for each torrent. This. I'm told is normal. I assume that whomever is receiving this data can see that it comes from my IP# but, as I understand it, he will have no way of knowing whether its coming from my computer via the normal everyday torrent protocol or via LTSeed. So, how can you tell when you start to download a torrent on your computer that those 5MB are coming from 3 LTSeeds and not from ordinary peers in the usual way? You say the tracker had not returned any peers (yet) so are there no peers in the Peers column at this point? I must be missing something. I'd be grateful if you could sort this out for me.
  3. My LT seeders don't seem to show in that column - only the standard torrent protocol peers
  4. Thanks again for all that info Unusual Suspect. Very interesting note GandalfTheWizard. How do you know that you are already connected to 3 LT seeds? Do you have some sort of monitoring software? Wish I had your download speeds. I'm lucky if I sometimes get 2MB.
  5. Thanks again for your observations. OK, I can see LT seeding taking place but how can I tell which torrent(s) is actually being shared (in Version: 1.37)? Is there a way to add another info column in the task list, for example, to show only an LT seeding level? Apparently there was such an option in a previous version called CometID. At the moment, I would have to keep checking each torrent's Ratio reading for changes to figure this out and that would be quite time-consuming. I've tried changing "system.show.debug info" etc in Options but it makes no difference. What exactly triggers a request to my computer for LT seeding and what's to stop it seeding for ever - other than removing the task or shutting off Global LT seeding altogether? I was under the impression that LT seeding was used for "older" torrents but I see LT activity taking place on a torrent I got only yesterday. Is this perhaps because seeding is very poor on that particular torrent and if so, what defines "poor." Also, how can I tell whether I'm receiving any benefit from LT seeding myself (from other peers) when I'm downloading a torrent?
  6. Thank you for the clarification Guardian Eagle. Looks like its better to download all the files then and delete the unwanted ones when the seeding is finished.
  7. Yes, that's what I mean. I don't want to upload to others. I simply want to save it and watch it again some day. My current understanding of the issue is that when you download the movie file but not ALL the "sub" files, BitComet puts this file there whether you want it or not in order to facilitate the placing of the "pieces." The file (I think) tells the torrent what to include in the main download (and also the hash-check) and what not to include. I'm not clear whether the file is created if you download ALL the files in the torrent. The file (in my case) never gets finished because I'm banning most of the extra files. I just want the movie, no subs, etc. You have to have your "Show hidden files" enabled in the browser to see it. I think that its only there to facilitate the download and the subsequent hash-check. After that (I think) it would never be needed unless one wanted to reseed the torrent at some later date. I my case, once I've given back my 110% (seeding), I rename the file and store it on another drive. Once I rename the file, I don't think I could re-seed even if I wanted to. So I just want to be sure that this unfinished file is like temporary file and is no longer needed.
  8. Sorry to be so late to the party but this doesn't really answer the whole question. I've searched and searched but can't get a definate answer: Specifically, (like the guy asking the original question) when I download a movie, I get a finished file plus another extra file of the same name described as a piece_part (.bc!) which is usually very small. Disregarding any hash checking issue, can the the piece_part .bc! file be deleted without affecting the main movie file's ability to be saved and repeatedly used in the future. In my own tests for example, the movie appears to play just fine with or without the "piece_part" file but but does removing it actually do any damage? Once the main movie file is downloaded, hash checked and saved, is the "piece_part" file needed any more? Is there any reason to leave it in there?
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