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About jivan28

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  1. Hi all, Umm..... first of all the only emule plugin I could find was of Bitcomet 1.24 vintage http://download.bitcomet.com/achive/BitComet_1.24_emule_plugin.exe On that page, there is no Bitcomet 1.27 emule plugin or atleast I cannot see it. Perhaps its somewhere else ? As far as MD5 brokeness is concerned, its been known for quite sometime. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/MD5#Collision_vulnerabilities https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function The idea as I understand it is that somebody could insert some malware,spyware whatever into the official client and put it on some alleged mirror. If a user were to compare the MD5 hash of the client from bitcomet site as well as the client therein they would find identical MD5 hash. Its generally been discouraged to use MD5 and move to one of the SHA based hashes for integrity and stuff. I am no security expert, just a surfer. Just my 2 paise.
  2. where is the plugin for emule plugin for this beta or you guys don't do emule plugins for beta releases ? I looked at http://www.bitcomet.com/doc/download-achive.php and did not see an emule plugin. Another thing, you might wanna revisit the whole MD5sum thing that you got there at the download-archive. MD5 is broken and you might wanna look at using either SHA1sum or/and SHA256sum for giving people integrity of the files (if people want to go that route) . http://blog.nfllab.com/archives/152-Win32-native-md5sum,-sha1sum,-sha256sum-etc..html
  3. Hi there, Thank you for the link. I guess by language barriers you mean you are not a native English speaker. Well, the same holds for me as I'm from India myself but still English is good as I don't know any Chinese. One thing though that I was not ok with calling bitcomet 'a free software product' . 'A free software product' in many connotations means its open-sourced and the source-code is available in some GPL or some free software license which I don't think is the case. Perhaps you meant freeware. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Software http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeware Please let me know if I understood it wrong. For my previous post at the end, what I was thinking is the same as what is given in the press-release, the Long-Term Seeding and the ability to download pieces of a file from non-bittorrent sources as well. The only additional observation I made was that it was helping in making Internet do what it was designed for, a distributed archival storage mechanism (meaning having multiple copies of the same file in many places). This is the original vision what the DoD (Department of Defence) of America wanted to know, although it was a military vision and not for civil uses that we do. Thank you for the press-release and the link to the webpage as well.
  4. While I would be going through that pdf file, it would have helped to give the torrentfreak webpage link as well (in case they published it). Perhaps I might have a little idea of what bitcomet does. For instance I have seen when I download few popular softwares like the latest bitcomet releases, Firefox 5 and few others, there are number of mirrors which pop up. Although the bandwidth at my end is not able to take full use of it I can see how it can be a winner as time goes on and we have faster bandwidth. And what is ok for software, is also good for content (I guess). It is a good step in making the Internet the largest archival and distribution place (one of the features of lazyweb/Internets I feel) .
  5. Wow, nice info. Can you point me to some documentation or link which explains the file boundary vs piece boundary problem ?
  6. Hi all, Newbie to the forum but kinda oldish to torrenting. Still for a long time haven't read what new features are coming in bittorrent. Does anybody of a good site where one can come to know of new bittorent features . The last two big features I came to know were DHT and Peer Exchange (PEX) . AFAIK both these features are there in bitcomet and both these features have made things (swarm) better rather than worse especially with the public nature of torrents happening. The mainline (bittorrent.com) is supposedely a bit fishy as it has some RIAA/MPAA people behind it. The other interesting part was having decentralized hashed trackers such as :- http://tracker.openbittorrent.com/announce udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80/announce udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80/announce http://tracker.publicbt.com/announce While I do get mails such as of torrentfreak which is more into the social and law side of torrent distribution, dunno of any good technical site which tells of what new features are being thought about to make torrents and in turn the swarms more robust, more sustaining, more speed, more privacy more everything. Looking forward for info.
  7. Hi all, When we are downloading through some peer, one wants to be able to know how much percentage of unique pieces the other peer has. What happens now is you just get the other peer's percentage number and the peer status graph. The graph is not a good visual indicator of how much unique pieces the other peer has. It would be great if this could somehow be done.
  8. Hi all, Newbie to the forum. Running the latest stable 1.27. I have been scratching my head around to understand how to get/have the queueing system. No matter how many torrents I add, I do not get a queue. Is there a way to tell bitcomet to only run say 2-3 torrents at any given time and make the rest in a queue ? Either it isn't easily discoverable or I've just been over-looking it. I tried to see in all the options to the extent of Advanced Options (Similar to utorrent) but even there did not see anything which would in any way can be used to do what I need/want, a queueing sytem. Btw, I did read http://wiki.bitcomet.com/understanding_bitcomet#what_do_the_icons_next_to_the_task_mean and the '“Max Concurrent downloading BT task number” that can be set to some number but where is this option or is this a regression in release 1.27 something?
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