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Minimum upload rate

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Okay, here's the problem I'm having. I set a minimum upload rate in a task (task specific settings -> advanced). BC seems to ignore this and upload at a lower rate. I have 6 tasks running, and together they're using my global upload limit. If I stop some tasks, then the upload rate on the other task does then increase above the minimum, but if I start all the other tasks again, the rate on the task with a mimum drops back below the minimum (screeny attached post-59244-12926152760542.png).

What have I got wrong? Is there anything else which would affect this? I expect the task with the minimum rate to upload at at least the rate set, and other tasks to share the remaining bandwidth. This is not what is happening. What is the purpose of the "minimum upload rate" if not this?

Edited by Guinness2702 (see edit history)
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