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Slow Download


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Yes i have been having the same slow download problem but i thought it was normal until i was told that speeds reach up to 500 and more. I have download the "OpenOffice.org 2.0.4rc3" version torrent and the peak speed was 60kb/s with no limit on both d and u (that was the highest it has ever been. i usually get between 15-30 kb/s). i have also gone to "canyouseeme.org" and put in the listening port which was chosen by random and it said I could not see your service... Reason: Connection timed out. Im not sure what to do...any help would be appreciated



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Both look normal to me.

^F117^, leeches like you get snubbed, also both those torrents have terrible seed/leech ratios

Go through the settings guide(link in my sig) and don't be such a leech.

carrega, at least you're not leeching, but that torrent also isnt seeded very well

You need to portforward your modem/router to get connected properly. Go through the settings guide and figure out your Global Max Upload Rate, also there's a link in the guide to help you with your modem/router's portforwarding.

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