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bitcomet client stops at 99% or more

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hello friends. i have a serious problem with completing my downloads. im using bitcomnet 0.76 - always (having good transfer rates, all is fine so far) when my download is almost complete, smth about 99% or 99.8%, 99.9% the download just stops - and is not completing the file anymore. what i try to do sometimes is "abort" the transfer and "start" it again - then if i have a luck.. from time to time i see "100%" completed file. but now i have lots of almost completed transfer - all about 99% and bitcomnet is not completing them anymore - there are good ressources, but bitcomnet is not downloading anymore, not uploading anymore. the "99%"-files are just waiting, labeled as "downloading". what can i do here ? :(

i would be very thankfull for any help :)

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