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Strange speed behavior

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I'm connected behind a router that limits me to about 60KB down and 16KB up.

I tried setting the upload rate to 16KB (with download unlimited) and got almost 0 down speed.

Reduced the up to 14, then 12,10 - got about 20KB download.

Reduced the up again to 8KB - got about 35KB down.

Reduced the up again to 7KB - got 55-60KB down!!!

And I thought that giving more is rewarded by getting more... B)

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Well its a balance, because to be able to download you have to be able to upload requests and ACKnowledgments to those people your downloading from. If your upload speed is swamping your connection then there is no more room for these requests and ACKs so your download speed suffers.

Read through the Settings Guide in my sig for how to properly set your upload cap.

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Well its a balance, because to be able to download you have to be able to upload requests and ACKnowledgments to those people your downloading from. If your upload speed is swamping your connection then there is no more room for these requests and ACKs so your download speed suffers.

I thought that all the requests and handshakes don't consume too much bandwidth.

Obviously I stand corrected... :o

Read through the Settings Guide in my sig for how to properly set your upload cap.


Great guides!

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