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Bitcomet won't accept my Comet ID password?

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It's been well over a year since I last used Bitcomet to download, and though I expected to be a little rusty at the process, the following I can't wrap my head around.

I just downloaded the latest version of BC, and logged on to Comet ID with no problems (Dashlane passw. man.). As soon as I opened BC the pop up asks me for my password, so I enter my Comet ID password and it tells me it's invalid :huh:? Am I too dumb when I don't understand why this happens? (probably <_<) As far as I can remember I used to be able to log on with my CID password, or did I get it all mixed up in the meantime? The only changes are my modem, which is now a router-modem (got it from my provider when changing my subscription for faster internet); all the settings on my laptop (firewall etc) have remained the same, that's why I don't get it.

I hope it's just a stupid mistake on my side :( (well, sort of..), so you can set me right and point me in the right direction again?

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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how did you log into cometID before you opened bitcomet?

I have no idea what this means... (Dashlane passw. man.)

Sounds to me like you made a new account when you installed bitcomet, but I'm really not sure because I don't know if I understand your post.

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Well. I logged on using my password manager (Dashlane) which does this automatically. I got tired of remembering each and every password, and I've been using this manager at the time I was active on Bitcomet too. When I logged on to my Comet ID, and went to Bitcomet from there, I first made sure to download the latest version (mine was still the 37), after it was installed I removed the old version. When I open now I get a little pop up asking me for my password, and after filling in my Comet ID password it says it's invalid and I should try again. Problem is, I don't get/see any menu that provides me with the option to either retrieve, or to make up a new password. All the data on my Comet ID is correct btw.

I hope this information helps to shine a light? Thanks for your time! :mellow:

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Your password manager is probably logging you into the cometID webpage, not bitcomet. Try going to cometID.com and if you're logged in, try logging out then logging back in without using your password manager, type the password yourself. If this fails it's most likely because your password manager created a unique password for each website and you only use the master password. If this is the case there should be a way to retrieve the actual password from the app, if not you can change your password at cometID.com

There is no need to use a password manager with bitcomet, it's not necessary to log into the website and bitcomet will remember your password and log you in each time it starts if you selected that option.

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