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Me acabo de instalar el BitComet 0.76, pero no consigo que funcione. Delante del nombre me aparece una cruz roja y en la columna de status pone: Detenido[torrent_cannot_open_target_folder]. Si alguien puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria.



I've just installed BitComet 0.76, but I can't get it to work. In front of the name, a red cross appears and, in the Status column it says : Stopped [torrent_cannot_open_target_folder]. If someone can help me I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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This sounds like a problem with your default download folder.

We are currently recommending all members that have trouble with the new client (.71-.77), to install the latest stable version .70. This should resolve your problem.

If you want to continue using the new client, then I suggest you check if your download folder path is correct, or try changing the location to your "my documents" or "desktop" folder.


Esto suena a un problema con tu carpeta de Descargas por defecto.

De momento, estamos recomendando que todos los usuarios que tengan dificultades con el nuevo cliente (v. 0.71 - v. 0.77) instalen la última version estable (v. 0.70). ësto debería resolver tu problema.

Si deseas continuar usando el nuevo cliente, entonces sugiero the mires que la ruta a tu carpeta de descargas sea la correcta, o bien intenta cambiar su destino a "Mis Documentos" o "Escritorio".


Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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