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saving downloadbandwith when seeding ?

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Hi. New problem :D

I'm on a 2.3/0.56 Mbit connection meaning that for my share ratio to go up I have to do a lot of seeding

I Have flatrate from 0-8 am and a 6 GB monthly limit outside that. This limit only counts download. Uploading is free. So I was planning to use those hours only for uploading.

Now. The thing is that I have checked my bandwidth usage when only uploading. I had it on for 7 hours. When I checked I had used almost 50 MB of my 6 GB.

Is it normal that BitComet uses that much download bandwidth when only seeding or are some of my settings all wrong ?

I was only seeding 3 torrents

Is there any guide or anything for making BitComet use as little Download-bandwidth as possible ? Or does anyone have any suggestions for bandwidthsaving options ?

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Hi there.

Well, AFAIK, downloading while seeding is OK, as some technical info is being sent. On my estimating, this shouldn't excess 0.05% of uploaded amount (one of my torrents - seeded only, I downloaded it in parts via HTTP - now has 171.79GB up- and 288.16MB downloaded with 1MB piece size).

About making BitComet use less download traffic... I don't think it's possible. Check BitTorrent Protocol Specifications if it's of any interest for you.

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That example you put. You're using far less download than me when seeding.

I uploaded maybe 1.2 GB if not less in that time and used 50 MB. By my calculations that would be like 4%. I only have 50 KB UP/sec. 1.26 GB would be if maxed out the whole time for 7 hours.

So that must mean that some of my settings are wrong. BTW I'm not talking about in the stats in bitcomet but the overall internet usage of my connection. Only BitComet was running and I don't have wireless.

BTW Interesting link. Maybe a bit to technical for me but I'll have a look anyway.

Another question also to do with seeding.

I'm using a laptop with limited harddiskspace. If I were to move a downloaded torrent and then change downloadlocation in the properties. Would this change ratio to zero again.

And also if I were to clear a torrent from BitComet. Is it possible to add it again without having saved the torrentfile ?

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That example you put. You're using far less download than me when seeding.

I thought so, that's why I've added piece size. The less it is, the more pieces you have to upload, hence more ACKs & CRCs with torrent's data (not to 4%, I think, but nevertheless).

BTW I'm not talking about in the stats in bitcomet but the overall internet usage of my connection. Only BitComet was running and I don't have wireless.

Well, maybe you have something checking for updates in background (e.g.Windows Update).

I'm using a laptop with limited harddiskspace. If I were to move a downloaded torrent and then change downloadlocation in the properties. Would this change ratio to zero again.

I don't think so, though I never tried. You may try on some small-sized task, if it's interesting for you.

And also if I were to clear a torrent from BitComet. Is it possible to add it again without having saved the torrentfile ?

THAT would certainly erase your U/D ratio & all stats for your task; about saving .torrent - you can use the one from the site (if you haven't modified it since opening in BitComet - e.g.adding/removing trackers) - either directly from there or from your HDD/wherever-you-saved-this-before-opening-for-a-first-time. Making .torrent out of task was required here to save any possible changes plus you don't have to look for such .torrent in, say, C:\Program Files\BitComet\Torrents or wherever to add it back later.

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Thanks for the answers

I have done some more tests. Tried disabling DHT, lowering number of connection, trying to only seed 1 torrent and so on.

Nothing I tried has so far been successful. I'm starting to wonder if BitComet receives about the same amount of data no matter what. Thanks for all the info though.

I'm going to try some other programs to find out if they all use the same amount of downloadbandwidth.

I haven't really got into the tracker issue yet but will. I do have some queries about them too but will try to find the answers myself first. I know how annoying it can be when people don't try to search for themselves first.

BTW Limewire will be supporting torrents soon. And there is a thread about the issues involved. I must say that I do not like the idea because of all the freeloading going on with Limewire users.

I would really appreciate some input from some of you hardcore users of torrentprograms. Most of the Limewireusers don't even know what a torrent is, nor do I have any extensive knowledge in this area. It is located at


BTW the thread is split so sorry for what might seem as a strange start to the thread. Poll has been added after and there were about 35 posts before slowly getting into the issue.

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I think I found a serious bug in my BitComet. The reason Downloadbandwidth is so high is that periodically torrents that I am seeding will start downloading at slow speeds for a while and then stop again even though being at 100% allready

No wonder it's at 4%

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