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Red X [Already Tried FAQ Help.]

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Hi, I'm tring to download a few things that are pretty big.

Not only am I getting a red X, I've tried everything, I have 5 gigs and everything should be working perfectly fine as I've downloaded much larger things and they've worked perfectly.

The thing is, it gets to 100% without completing any of the files.

Three files might be 100% but the rest are all 0%, and it's usually the really small ones that reach 100%

So I can't try and start downloading again because it already has 100%

I'm baffled, this only started happening with.70

I just don't know what's happening. at all.

edit it's adding .bc!

at the end of EVERY file I download.

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The X indicates that BitComet couldn't write to the disk. You need to investigate the possible causes of that.

By default, BitComet changes the extension of the files it's downloading by adding ".bc!" to them, to indicate that these are incomplete downloads and you should not attempt to use them yet. This is an option you can set in the preferences.

For your "100%" problems, a slightly less prolific use of pronouns is in order.

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Cache settings are probably irrelevant. It's telling you that it can't write to the disk, not the cache.

Your problem is that the disk is full, or the file size is too large for the OS, or there are write-permission problems, or a needed directory didn't get created/was deleted, things of that nature.

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