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Error :: <full path> contains an invalid path.

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Try stopping and restarting the torrent, that sometimes clears it up.

Investigate the pathname for illegal/invalid characters, as this sometimes happens with torrents created using settings for other languages.

In your download directory, check that the subdirectories for the download were created and are correct. Permission problems may have prevented them from being created.

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Try stopping and restarting the torrent, that sometimes clears it up.

I've tried it allready. No luck.

Investigate the pathname for illegal/invalid characters, as this sometimes happens with torrents created using settings for other languages.

I think that's the problem! te filename contains '?' in it's name.

I'm using XP so how did happen? someone used another OS?

Anyway, how can I fix it? i can't control(I think) the dilename I d/l.


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That usually means, or at least meant, that the torrent was created with a different language using an unsupported character set. It used to be a trememdous problem in previous versions of Windows. If you're using a previous version, it still is.

If not, though, try the tips suggested here.

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I'm using XP.

I've looked at the link, but it doesn't help me because it's not a language issue in my case.

Why do I say that? because the filename is a pure English which contains '?'. The filename itself is a proper question in English language, ie the '?' is a proper and a valid part of the filename(semantically).

So changing the encode doesn't make any sense, as the '?' doesn't appear as a replacement for unkown foreighn char.

Thank again.

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That's unfortunate then, since a question mark is an invalid character in a windows filename and it will not allow you to create a file like that. Makes for an interesting question how it was created in the first place.

You won't be the only one who runs up against this, so if there's a discussion forum or thread wherever you got the torrent, you might check there for advice.

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