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I found a dinasaur PC recently, started playing around alittle with it. Managed to get Mandriva Linux installed. Realized latter it had a 1800 mhz processor ((antique I know)) But does anyone know what class this PC might be in as far as Pentiums Pls any hlp would be appreciated Thanks

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It's not all that old, maybe five years or so, and should still be perfectly functional under XP for just about anything except some late games. Not that there's anything wrong with Linux, but you sounded as if you thought that was your only option.

At 1.8 Ghz, it's a Pentium V. The IV's never got anywhere near that fast before the V was introduced, if memory serves me right.

You wouldn't want to try running Vista or 7 on it, as both waste too many cycles on frills. But that was about the time that most printers stopped supporting parallel ports in favor of USB (mice were also mostly changing to USB around then), so it may need an add-on card for more of them -- but those cards are very cheap.

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