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windows 7

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Salut tuturor!

Am instalat de curand ultima versiune de bitcomet, cu extensia eDonkey, pe un sistem de operare Windows 7 Ultimate. Opwratia de download se desfasoara normal, cu o singura exceptie: in coltul din dreapta jos imi apare o avertizare in galben cu privire la blocarea portului de ascultare.

Mentionez ca am instalat pe PC suita Norton Internet Security si cu toate cautarile mele prin setarile acestuia nu am reusit pana in prezent sa remediez problema. Daca cineva s-a mai confruntat cu acest lucru as vrea sa-mi descrie, pas cu pas, ce trebuie sa fac pentru deblocarea portului si marirea vitezei de download.

Multumesc anticipat si imi cer scuze daca am postat gresit, sunt nou pe forum.

Hi everybody!

I installed the latest version of BitComet recently, along with the eDonkey [eMule] plug-in, on a Windows 7 Ultimate operating system. The downloading is going fine, with one exception: in the lower-right corner I see a yellow warning, regarding the blocked listen port.

I must add that I've installed the Norton Internet Security suite on my PC and despite all my searches in its settings I couldn't fix the problem. If somebody encountered this problem before I'd like him to describe, step by step, what I have to do to unblock this port and to speed up my downloads.

Thanks in advance and I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong section, I'm new to this forum.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Bine ai venit in comunitatea noastra!

Ca sa ne asiguram ca doar firewallul de la norton il blocheaza te rog zi-mi ce tip de conexiune la internet ai si daca folosesti un router.

Pentru a adauga o regula pentru BitComet in Norton personal firewall, deschide fereastra Norton I.S. , dai dublu click pe "Personal Firewall", dai click pe tabul "Program Control" unde vezi o lista de reguli pentru alte aplicatii, dai click pe "Add", apare o fereastra de navigare unde trebuie sa mergi in folderul in care ai instalat BitComet (de ex. C:\Program Files x86\BitComet) si selecteaza executabilul BitComet.exe apoi dai click pe open si iti apare o fereastra cu 3 optiuni "Permit" "Block" si "Manually configure Internet access", selectezi "Permit" si dai click pe butonul "OK".

E recomandat sa ai un firewall pornit tot timpul, pentru securitatea calculatorului tau.


Welcome to our community!

To make sure that only the Norton firewll is blocking your listen port, please tell me what kind of internet connection you have, and if you use a router.

To add a rule for BitComet in the Norton personal firewall, open the Norton I.S. window, double click "Personal Firewall", click the "Program Control" tab, you see the list of Application rules, click "Add" ,you see the "Select a program" browse window, go to the location where you installed BitComet (for ex. C:\Program Files x86\BitComet) and select the BitComet.exe executable file and then click open, you see the Program Control dialog box. It has the following choices: "Permit" "Block" and "Manually configure Internet access", select "Permit" then click "OK".

For your computer's security, it's recommended to have one firewall on all the time.

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