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Hi everyone and happy new year. My problem is that i have just updated bitcomet to version 1.17 and since doing so when i click on a tab i.e forums i get a window open with a red circle with a white X on it with the writing This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.Create an association in the folder options in the control panel.It happens on all the tabs i click on in the new version of bitcomet and never in the previous versions. So if anyone can help i would be gratefull. Thanks in advance.

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This sounds like a problem elsewhere, because those associations shouldn't be affected.

You might try downgrading (just install right over it) and see if the problem goes away. I suspect it won't. If not, you may have to reinstall your browser.

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Hi kluelos Thanks for the advice i tried what you said but it is just the same so i will leave it as i thought that these associations should'nt be affected perhaps i will take computer in for a service or something and see if that helps as i have a few other problems as well. Thanks and happy new year to you.

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Thought i would just let you know i have now solved this problem so thank you for your help. I done a system restore and this fixed it. :)

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