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Problems with BitComet + MS word

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Hey there

A few weeks ago I've started experiencing problems with my BitComet

The thing is, when I'm launching BitComet, all the time it opens an MS Word document "passport_login_en_us"

I guess, it somehow connected with Comet Passport - but i don't know how, and its VERY annoying

If someone knows how to solve this problem, I'll highly appreciate it

Thank you

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This is odd. It certainly shouldn't happen.

But I lean towards some registry setting gone bad on MS Word's side. Because it looks like some file association is forcing Word to open .mht files.

I'm just wild-guessing here.

But I would suggest a clean re-installation of BitComet.

If that doesn't do it, then you could use a registry cleaner, such as CCleaner and even a virus sweep of your computer.

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