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MPCstar Viewing

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I just noticed that all movies where playing reversed. Everything is playing as a mirror image. I no this is a software problem. Reinstalling MPCstar did not fix the issue. Does anyone have any ideas.

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There seems to be an issue from the ffdshow software. It works pretty weird. If I use the "Mirror" option from the "Offset and Flip" page of ffdshow settings, on a video nothing happens.

But if I enable it and then start another video which comes before the actual one in the playlist (in fact it's a fake entry, because the video file has been moved) then MPCStar jumps to the next video in list (the one I was testing one) but this time with the "mirror" option enabled!

Again, in order to disable it I have to do the same move, since it won't disable it directly (it seems to have no effect if I just disable the option and the restart the video in question).

This same behavior goes for several videos I've tried.

This looks like either a ffdshow bug or a bug in the communication between MPCStar and ffdshow.

Lucy, can you please check with the team on this?

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