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Cum pot schimba mediaplayerul default ptr previzualizare?

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Folosesc versiunea 1.22 bitcomet,am conexiune pppoe fara router sau modem,nu am probeleme cu porturile sau firewallul de la Comodo,iar sistemul de operare utilizat este windows 7 .Sunt un fan linux dar optez inca pentru windows deoarece nu exista bitcomet pentru linux ci doar ceva asemanator si anume ktorrent.Ar mai fi si alte motive dar nu fac obiectul topicului.Am avut instalat ca mediaplayer defaul VLC pentru vizualizare de fisiere video si de fragmenente de fisiere video,dar deoarece mergea in frame-uri am renuntat la el si am instalt SPlayer.Nu stiu cum pot schimba din meniul bitcomet' in asa fel ca atunci cand dau pe functia previzualizare sa se deschida cu noul mediaplayer.Momentam imi spune:"programul de redare nu exista".Am setat in player sa asocieze fisierele cu terminatia bc!,le vizualizeaza fara probleme dar acea previzulizare din lista de torrente nu functioneaza.Ma puteti ajuta? Va multumesc!

-As mai avea ceva si anume de ce nu m-am putut loga cu o adresa de gmail?spunea ca este adresa invalida,lucru neadevarat.

-Eu prin CometID,respectiv Password am inteles ca as putea sa ma loghez cu cele folosite la BitComet ori nici vorba de asa ceva deoarece nu recunoaste nici macar(spatiul).

LE: Am aprofundat problema si am gasit si raspunsul bineinteles intamplator.Am intrat in Optiuni(bitcomet)>Avansate...iar in fereastra corespunzatoare acestei functii a aparut un pop up mic la nivelul ultimei linii scrise din respectiva fereastra,pop up in care scria "PONT Programul nu exista"si era vorba despre ultimul meu mediaplayer utilizat.Am dat clic pe linia respectiva care era scrisa si mai ingrosat,moment in care s-a deschis alta fereastra care iti oferea posibilitatea de resetare sau de localizare in Program Files a noului player care trebuie setat pentru previzualizari.Sper ca "DESCOPERIREA" mea sa ajute si pe alti utilizatori care folosesc BITCOMET.Va multumesc pentru oportunitatea oferita de a putea vedea si eventual ajuata si pe alti utilizatori ai frumosului client de torrent pe nume BITCOMET.

I use BitComet V1.22, I have a pppoe without a router or a modem, I don't have problems with the ports nor with the Comodo firewall, and the OS I use is Windows 7.

I'm a linux fan but I still choose windows because there is no BitComet client for linux, but only something similar, namely kTorrent. There may be other reasons but none on topic.

My default installed player was VLC for playing video files and scraps of video files, but because it was stuttering I gave up on it and I have installed SPlayer.

I don't know what to change in BitComet's settings, so that when I click "Preview" it would open the new media player.

Now it says: "The player does not exist".

I have set in the player to associate itself with .!bc files. It plays them flawlessly but the "preview" option from the tasklist does not work.

Can you help me? Thank you.

-There might be something else, specifically why couldn't I log in with my gmail address? It told me that the address was not valid, witch is not true.

-Via CometID and Passport[???] respectively, I have understood that I could have logged in with those used at BitComet, but that's out of the question as it did not even recognize the(space).

LE: I looked deeper into the problem and I have found the answer, by chance of course.

I went to "Options"(BitComet)>"Advanced" and in the corresponding window of that function a small pop-up appeared at the same level with the last line in that window, a pop-up where it was written "TIP The player does not exist" and it was referring to my last used media player.

I clicked on the line that was written in bold, and another window opened where you could choose to either reset the setting or locate the player yourself in the Program Files directory of the new media player, that must be set for previewing.

I hope that my "DISCOVERY" could help other users using BitComet.

Thank you for this opportunity to see and ,eventually, help other users of this beautiful torrent client, named BitComet.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Ma bucur ca ai putut sa-i dai de capat singur, banuiesc ca si satisfactia a fost mai mare. :D Daca mai intalnesti si alte probleme nu ezita sa intrebi.

Cat despre problema cu logarea, din cate stiu trebuie ca mai intai sa-ti inregistrezi email-ul la CometID, si apoi sa te loghezi cu el aici. Si nu, datele tale de inregistrare la ToComet, si alte site-uri care utilizeaza Comet Passport, nu sunt valide aici.

I'm glad you could solve this issue yourself, I suspect that you got more joy out of it this way. If you encounter other problems don't hesitate to ask.

And as far as your log-in problem goes, you need to register your email address at CometID, and then use it to log in here. And no, your log in details for ToComet, and other sites that use Comet Passport, are not valid here.

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