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Port de ascultare blocat(VDSL)

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Buna seara!

Am un abonament la clicknet vdsl 20Mb si un modem ZyXel P-870HW-51a V2. Nu mai pot sa fac upload pe filelist din cauza asta. Cum as putea rezolva problema cu portul forward?


Good evening!

I have a 20Mb vdsl contract with ClickNet and a ZyXel P-870HW-51a V2 modem. I can't upload on filelist because of this. How could I solve this port forwarding problem?


Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Daca stii engleza, aici descarci un manual pdf pentru gateway-ul tau.

Daca nu, atunci scrie in bara de adrese a browserului tau. Numele si parola ar trebui sa fie amandoua 1234. Ar trebui sa vezi ceva de genul..


Acum scriece vrei (de ex. BitComet) in casuta "service name", la wan interface alege interfata wan(internet..etc), la server IP address scrii adresa PC-ului tau in LAN (o gasesti daca scrii ipconfig /all intr-un command prompt), in toate cele patru casute"...port" scrii un (acelasi de 4 ori) numar de port dintre 49152 si 65535, la "Protocol" alegi TCP si dai click pe add. Daca folosesti reteaua DHT, mai fa o regula exact ca mai sus, doar ca la "Protocol" alegi UDP.

Mergi in BitComet, la "Options"/ Connection si scrii portul ales mai sus in casuta "Listen Port"


If you can speak English, download the pdf manual for your gateway from here.

If you don't, then write in the address bar of your browser. The username and password should be both 1234.You should see something like...


Now write whatever you want (BitComet for ex.) in the "service name" box, choose your wan iterface in the "WAN interface" box or leave it as it is, write your PC's LAN address in the "Server IP" box (you can find it if you type ipconfig /all in a command prompt window), write a number between 49152 and 65535 (the same in each) in all four "...port" boxes, choose TCP in the "Protocol" drop-down box and click "Add". If you use the DHT network, make another rule exactly as above, only this time choose "UDP" in the "Protocol" box.

Go at "Options"/ Connection in BiComet and write the port number you choose above in the "Listen Port" box.

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Reteaua DHT este o retea descentralizata dintre o multitudine de noduri. In BitComet este ca un tracker alternativ pentru a gasi noi parteneri in absenta unui tracker normal. Accesul la aceasta retea trebuie permis de cel care face fisierul .torrent. Trackerele private, cum e filelist, interzic folosirea retelei DHT.

The DHT network is a decentralized network between a multitude of nodes. In BitComet it's like an alternative tracker to find new peers in the absence of a normal tracker. Access to this network must be enabled by the one who makes the .torrent file. Private trackers forbid the use of DHT.

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