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BitComet se restarteaza

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Buna prieteni. Am o problema foarte sacaitoare cu BitComet. Cam de 4-5 ori pe zi mi se restarteaza. Dupa cateva ore (uneori cand viteza de download este mare, dar nu intotdeuna) incep sa se opreasaca unele sarcini (cu X). Deja cand vad 2-3-5 torrente cu x, ii dau eu restart, daca nu o fac oricum se restarteaza singur dupa ceva timp. Folosesc de multi ani bitcomet, aceasta problema a inceput prin primavara. Internet ppoe de la rds, XP 32, BitComet 1.22 (am incercat si cu 1.20, 1.21 si 1.23) Port deschis, viteza f buna, nod32, fara firewall.

A mai patit cineva, aveti vreo idee??????

Hi friends. I have a very annoying problem with BitComet. It restarts about 4-5 times a day. A few tasks start stopping (with the X) after a few hours (sometimes when the download speed is very high, but not always). I restart it myself when I see 2-3-5 tasks with the X, it would restart all by itself after a while anyway if I don't do it. I'm using BitComet since a lot of years ago, this problem started since about last spring. My internet connection is PPPOE and my ISP is RDS, my operating system is windows xp 32bit, BitComet 1.22 ( I tried 1.20, 1.21, 1.23 too) Open listen port, mey speeds are very good, NOD32, no firewall.

Is anyone else encountering this problem, do you have any ideas?

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Un singur lucru nu inteleg din postul tau, ce se restarteaza? BitComet sau tot sistemul?

Pot fi multe cauze...ai incercat vre-o data sa tii sageata la maus pe X? Iti apare un mic mesaj, textul erorii.

There's only one thing I don't understand from your post, what restarts? BitComet or the whole system?

There can be many causes..Have you tried to hover the mouse pointer over the X? A small message appears, the text of the error.

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X=(OPRIT) not enough storage is available to process this command.....nu stiu daca am memorat exact comanda pt ca s-a restartat. Storage= 4 hdd, spatiu suficient. Sistemul de operare nu are nicio problema, BitComet se restarteaza. Deci cauze nu pot fii chiar atat de multe.

- se opresc sarcini - aleatoriu, de pe fiecare hdd

- indiferent ca sunt la download cat si upload

X=(STOPPED) not enough free space is available to process this command....I don't know if I memorized the message correctly because it restarted. Storage=4 HDD, enough free space. BitComet restarts, the operating system has no problems. So there can't be that many problems.

-tasks stop - randomly, from any HDD

-regardless if they are downloading or uploading.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Dupa cateva zile de teste, revin cu info.

1. am facut mai multe incercari si nu se mai restarteaza. Cred ca importanta a fost modificarea cache. De la marimea maxima a casului pe disk de 1536 am pus 1024.La marimea pt fiecare conexiune, la fel 1024.

2. a aparut alta problema, viteza de down a fost intotdeauna ok. Ma intereseaza f mult viteza de upload. De ex, imi arata in bara 1000kb/s, iar daca adun toate sarcinile, nu fac mai mult de 500kb/s. Poate este normal si nu am remarcat eu inainte, dar concret, de la 100 gb/upload (media zilnica) am scazut la jumatate in ultimele zile. Banuiesc ca e o setare dar nu stiu care, am incercat mai multe variante (inclusiv de versiune, de la 0.70 pana la ultima 1.23) Atasez pagina cu obtiuni avansate, poate ma ajutati cu o idee.

I'm back with new information after a few days of testing.

1. I gave it a few more tries and it doesn't restart anymore. I think that modifying the cache settings was the most important. I changed the maximum cache size from 1536 to 1024.

2. Now I have another problem, the download speed was always OK. I'm more interested in my upload speed. For ex., the title bar shows 1000kB/s, and if I make a sum of the upload speed of all tasks I don't get more than 500kB/s. Maybe this is normal and I haven't noticed this before. But as I can see, the amount I upload daily decreased from 100GB to half of that in the past few days. I suspect that there's a setting that I don't know of. I tried many changes (including other versions, from 0.70 to the latest, 1.23) I'm attaching a screenshot with my advanced settings, maybe you could help me with an idea.


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Disk cache este spatiul in RAM ocupat de BitComet cu datele cel mai des folosite pentru a micsora numarul de scrieri si citiri de pe HDD. 1GB, cat l-ai setat tu, e foarte mult. Cata memorie RAM are pc-ul tau? Tine minte ca trebuie sa ramana suficienta memorie libera si pentru celelalte procese din calculatorul tau.

Viteza de incarcare aratata in bara de titlu e suma tuturor transferurilor prin toate protocoalele din BitComet (HTTP, BitTorrent, LTseed, eMule) plus overhead. In cele mai multe cazuri viteza in exces e cauzata de LT seeding, daca e activat. Un protocol nou, detinut de BitComet, conceput pentru a ajuta la transferurile BitTorrent, folosid latimea de banda libera, lasand loc pentru BitTorrent cand e nevoie. Pentru a vedea ce sarcina incarca prin acest protocol, si la ce viteza, schimba in optiunile avansate aratate de tine mai sus , apoi mergi in lista de sarcini si vezi noua coloana, LTseeding.

BitTorrent este un protocol P2P si nu poti prezice cat iti vor cere ceilalti parteneri sa incarci la ei.

Disk cache is the amount of RAM occupied by BitComet, with the most accessed data to reduce HDD reads and writes. 1GB, as you set it, is a lot. How much memory does your pc have? Keep in mind that you need to have enough free memory for the other processes as well.

The upload speed shown in the title bar shows the sum of the speeds of all transfers via all the protocols BitComet uses (HTTP, BitTorrent, LTseed, eMule) plus overhead. In most cases the excess upload speed is caused by LtSeeding, if it's turned on. It's a new protocol, owned by BitComet, made to help BitTorrent transfers, using the free bandwidthit can get, making room for BitTorrent when it's needed. To see which task is uploading via this protocol, and at what speed, change system.show_debug_info, in the advanced settings shown above, from False to True, then go to your task list and see the new column, LT seeding.

BitTorrent is a P2P protocol and you cannot predict how much the other peers will ask of you to upload.

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Salut Vasy,

am 4 gb ram, din care se folosesc doar atata cat stie sistemul pe 32. Am marit cache deoarece am vazut ca am tot timpul destula memorie libera. Cat despre upload, inteleg ce spui, dar atata timp cat am avut aceeasi medie in ultimul an(de ex) e foarte clar ca ceva nu ii convine de cateva zile. De curiozitate, am oprit toate sarcinile si totusi imi arata 500 kb/s upload. Nu inteleg ce anume spui sa schimb. Daca nu te deranjeaza, poti intra pe ymsg: ovidiu_vdu sa ma ajuti la configurare.

.....pc-ul il folosesc doar pt BitComet


Hi Vasy,

I have 4 GB of ram, from which there can be used just as much as a 32bit system can detect. I increase the cache size because I see that I always have enough free memory. And as far as the upload speed goes, I get your point, but knowing that I've had this average for the past year or so, it's very clear that something went wrong during the past few days.

I stopped all my tasks, out of curiosity, and it still showed me an upload speed of 500kB/s. I don't understand what exactly you want me to change. If it's not bothering you, can you come to yahoo messenger to help me with the configuration?

...I use this pc only for BitComet


Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Ti-am incercuit in poza data de tine intr-un post de mai sus ce ai de schimbat. Apoi dai click dreapta pe un titlu de coloana din listade sarcini si activezi coloana LTseeding

Mai explic o data.

Long Time Seeding este un protocol nou, inventat de BitComet. Daca il ai activat, iti permite sa descarci de la alti utilizatori BitComet, care au fisierul dorit de tine intr-o sarcina "publica" din lista lor si au LTseeding activat in optiuni. Numarul de utilizatori de la care ai voie sa descarci acel fisier depinde de rangul tau in ierarhia BitComet(tu esti Lieutenant General, deci ai dreptul la 81).

Dar, cat timp ai LTseeding activat toate sarcinile pornite cu un torrent public continua sa incarce prin LTseeding, chiar daca le-ai oprit.

Gasesti setarile LTSeeding in Optiuni/Donare pe Termen Lung.

I marked what you have to change in the picture you attached to a post above. After that right click the header of a column in the task list and then activate the LTseeding column.

I'll explain this one more time.

Long time seeding is a new protocol, invented by BitComet. If you have it activated, it will allow you to download from other BitComet users that have the file you want in a "public" task and that have LTSeeding activated in their options. The number of users you can connect to is set by the you rank in the BitComet hierarchy(you are Lieutenant General, so you are allowed to connect to 81 users).

But while having LTSeeding activated all the tasks started with a public torrent keep seeding regardless if you stopped the task or not.

You can find the ltseeding settings in Options/Long Time Seeding.

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Am inteles. Nu-mi dadeam seama de la ce vine LT. Am avut intotdeauna activat LT. Vrei sa spui ca trebuie oprit? Poza nu mai apare la post.

Gata, am vazut poza acuma....o sa incerc si revin. Ii dau un restart?


I understand. I just didn't know what LT stands for. I've always had LT activated. Are you saying that I should disable it? The picture doesn't appear in my post anymore.

Never mind, I see the picture now.....I'll try it and come back later. Should I restart it?


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Eu doar ti-am zis ca ce vezi tu e ceva normal. Tu faci ce vrei in calculatorul tau. Daca te ajuta, tine-o activata, doar tine minte ca si tu trebuie sa incarci prin acest protocol. Asta e legea P2P.

Nu trebuie sa dai restart, vei vedea noua coloana imediat.

I only said that what you see there is completly normal. You can do whatever you want in your pc. If it helps you, keep it activated, only keep in mind that you have to upload via this protocol too. That's the P2P law.

You don't have to restart it, you'll see the new column immediately.

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