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Can't see e-Mule plugin window


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After a crash can't obtain the window of e-Mule plugin. I've reloaded it, even the BitComet - nothing helps.

In the Options, there's a confirmation of existence of this plugin on my comp. "Installed []".I can check the option "Show plugin", but nothing happens.

Anybody has an idea?

Thank you.

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Just nothing. The case ( in Options, "Show plugin Window") reste coshed, I tape to "Apply", but no window of e-Mule.When I reopen the Options, this case is always uncoshed, so it doesn't apply my changes.And in the Menu bar when I'm in "Plugin e-Mule", 2 lines appeared: "Activate the plugin" (it reste marked with the "V", coshed), and "Show the window of plugin" (it's always disabled).

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One possibility is that your change-of-options isn't being saved. The first thing that springs to mind is that there's a problem with writing the preferences file, which is usually based in a permissions error. If this is the case, you can easily check by trying to change some other preference (doesn't matter which one) and try to save the change. If it won't, this is likely the problem.

Another possibility is a problem with the plugin itself. Make sure that BitComet says the plugin is installed. You can also try re-downloading and re-installing it.

Also double-check that the window really isn't open. I've seen people just not notice that another window had opened up and was sitting there, especially if they usuall have the current application maximized and aren't used to being aware of the task bar.

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Thanks for "don't let me down".

My change-of-options has been saved. I've checked for the Confirmation before closing the program. It works rather well.

"...e-Mule plugin. I've reloaded it, even the BitComet - nothing helps."

In the preferences the line "e-Mule" is activated and the status of the extension is litterary this one (in French): Installé


In the same window of "Preferences" named "E-Mule" the second subtitle is "Parametres" with two checkboxes named:

1. Activate the plugin e-Mule. It IS activated.

2. Show plugin window. It is not activated once opened, but when I reactivate it, applied and valid my choice, nothing happens, i.e. no e-Mule window.

As for don't noting that one more application (not hidden) is actif, sorry, but I do verified it more than twice.

I've just tried to give you the responses the most adequate to informe you properly in order to help for the right diagnosys. ..

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But I've just noticed one odd thing: all the titles written in my posts were my traduction from French. But look:the 2 checkboxes enumerated earlier are named in different languages. N° 1 is "Activer le greffon eMule", when N°2 is "Show plugin window".

The first one is in French, but the second is in English. All the reste is in French, the titles and the lines of texte.

Is it normal?

When I used the BitGomet before the crash, I haven't paid attention at it, because everything has been going rather well. Now, I'm a little desperate of not knowing how to repair this. Before posting I've looked for the same problem in different forums, but have found nothing similiar.

But I hope, no, I know that you'll find the right answer.

Thank you.

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Two things you should try. First, as I said before, try reinstalling.

Second, try downgrading to a prior version of BitComet and the matching plugin, to see if the problem is with this version.

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So, did downgrading make a difference? Does the problem go away or behave differently under whichever version you downgraded to? Which version was that, by the way?

I assume that reinstalling did not help, but we could have saved quite a bit of back-and-forth if you had said you had already tried it, first.

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