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Proxy Settings

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hello everyone,

i am manoij. i am working on a network computer. i have installed the bitcomet.

but it is not connecting with the server. i tried using proxy server settings in the bitcomet

but it is not connecting. i know the IP adress for the proxy and authentication, but doesn't

know the port. please help me in solving this issue.

(Topic moved from Introduce Yourself to General BitComet Questions - mod)

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Read the "Read This before posting" announcement and then describe your problem again.

Also, this doesn't make very much sense:

but it is not connecting with the server.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Try to be more explicit with your explanations; while you may have the impression that the issue is more or less clear to you, on the other hand we have no idea what your problem is yet, so don't be cheap with words.

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