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Spelling error in VIP


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In the VIP Downloads screen (from the Favorites menu), under "Acceleration", this should be "Preparing"

Also, the Task Filter bar does not have a VIP Downloads button. Was this intentional?

Whenever I click on the VIP button for a task, upon exiting the VIP screen, the download path of that task is deleted and set to blank. I then get a prompt complaining that the download path can't be blank, so I must enter it in again. (The path in question is my default download directory.) This happens whether or not I change (or can change) anything.

There is a screen recovery problem.

Under the view menu, enable "Favorites" if it isn't already.

Select "VIP downloads", see the screen

Under the view menu, disable "Favorites".

The VIP screen becomes the main window with no obvious way to get back to the task list.

When Favorites is disabled, the VIP Downloads screen should also be dismissed if open.

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Thank you kluelos. :) The spelling error has been reported to the development team. They will consolidate this in the next version.

And for the VIP Downloads button in Task Filter bar, the dev team said they will consider to add one button in the next version. They thought most people who use vip service would enable "favorites".

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