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All torrent Clients slowing PC down


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First let me say Im running Vista Home Premium 32. I've searched google and it seems no one has the issue I have. Whenever I download an even semi decent size torrent with Bitcomet and utorrent it slows my pc way down videos sound crackle while downloading games glitch while playing also. Never had this issue on XP or 7 so I'm assuming it good ol Vista that's the problem but if there's any help to try and fix this problem. My download speeds are no issue.

My specs

AMD Phenom X3 8650 Triple Core

Asus M3A78-CM

4 Gigs DDr2

AMD Radeon HD 6670

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Do you have any software firewall? Torrent clients open a lot of connections both incoming and outgoing and a firewall might think it's an attack on your system.

If not try increasing the maximum allowed cache in Options/Advanced, if this doesn't work either try limiting the maximum upload bandwidth to 70% of your tested max at speedtest.net. Also try limiting the maximum connections at Options/Advanced/network.max_connections starting at around 100 and increase it/lower it depending on the results. After that limit the network.max_udp_pck_per_sec from 100 to 50.

If all else fails you might want to try a malware/spyware scanner.

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