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padding files

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I understand why padding files appear in a downloaded file list, but when they accompany viewable files also in the list, do the padding files mean there is still content in them I need, or has the content in them already been used to create the viewable files? In other words, can the padding files now be ignored?

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Padding files can always be ignored. They contain no content.

When a .torrent is created, all of the files are compiled together with no regard to their boundaries. The whole is then chopped up into many thousands of equally-sized pieces. This means that for most files, the end of that file and the beginning of the next file span one piece.

This fact has created issues in the past. Those padding files are just fillers to pad out the end, so that the file boundary and piece boundary align again. Unfortunately, most of the other clients out there chose to reject, rather than embrace this solution, apparently because they weren't the ones to think of it. Some morons even call the padding files "spam".

Current versions of BitComet don't do this anymore, and haven't for quite a long time. They just ignore the problem.

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