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Just a few Qs


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well i have a netgear router (DG834GT).

Q1. on my peers all i have is local and am wondering how to get remote.

Q2. i have no clue on how to setup ports on my router, ive set it up on my firewall but no clue how to on my router.

Q3. i only get 1-20 KBS Download - i think this wil lbe fixed once i get the above fixed

Q4. is chat broke is V.70? i cant see whos there.

Thanks TraV

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Q1.Read the FAQ's

Q2.Search google or on your router home page should have manual. It is different for every router even for the different firmware. If we told you you will not learn anything if you search and find the answer by yourself you will learn much.

Q3.Yes it should be fixed but this is not the only reason for low download rates - read the FAQ's


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