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Slow download help please


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Im having problems with bitcomet i get a slow dl, 15+kbs :/, im using a westell 6100 modem and i saw in fact that i suppose to set gobal connections to 100 but i dont know how? help please?

Here a copy of logs if it helps

Default tracker optimization rules file loaded.

IP rules file: ipfilter.dat loaded, 0 entries.

Start Listening at TCP Port:9864

Start Listening at UDP Port:9864

BitComet 0.70 is running on:

CPU : AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 2166 MHz

RAM size : 1,023.48 MB

OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

Windows XP WF Status: TCP Port is not opened in Windows Firewall.

Windows XP WF Status: add TCP port in Windows Firewall Succeed.

Windows XP WF Status: UDP Port is not opened in Windows Firewall.

Windows XP WF Status: add UDP port in Windows Firewall Succeed.

Update Local IP: 192.xxx.x.xx

Windows XP ICS Status: cannot find working ICS.

Favourite sites file is updating from http://100.bitcomet.com/bitcomet/v0.64/fav/fav_en_us.xml

Favourite sites file updated to .C:\Program Files\BitComet\fav\fav_en_us.xml

Windows XP UPnP Status: device not found!

UDP tracker report: WAN IP = 70.xx.xxx.xxx

Connected to UDP helper tracker on 2006-08-10 17:41

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