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health drops to 0%, download dies


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I am getting really frustrated because I am trying to get some episodes of a certain tv show and while I wait for hours for them to download, it's a crap shoot on whether or not they'll actually finish.

for some reason when my downloads get into the high ninties (one was litterally at 99.9%) the health percentage slow drops to zero, and once that happens everything else dies out and the download never completes. this has happened to numerous downloads all on different days and times. not all of my downloads die, some actually complete, but the ones that lose their health, never seem to finish.

please help!

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It means that the seeder(s) have gone offline or dropped out, for whatever reason. Sometimes they come back. Sometimes you can request a reseed in the source site's comments or forum, which is always worth trying.

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It means that the seeder(s) have gone offline or dropped out, for whatever reason. Sometimes they come back. Sometimes you can request a reseed in the source site's comments or forum, which is always worth trying.

Hi, I'm new to this board. I just read the above posts and how do we re-seed from a different source? I've only been using a torrent download system for a couple of weeks now. What is the correct way to re-seed from a different source? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any time that can be spared.

Abby0315 :)

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Don't know what you mean by "different source".

If you mean a different tracker, then you'll have to register/upload the torrent to that tracker or create your own torrent for the material, and likewise upload it to a tracker.

If you mean that you have a different copy of the basic file, then you can't do that. Torrent content can't be changed after creation, and thank heaven for that. You will have to create a new torrent, upload it, and seed it.

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