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Uncomplite files


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I had to install new operating system so I copied uncomplited files from bit commet. After installing bit commet I moved uncomplite files to download file in bit commet but it occured that bit commet cant reasume downloading it - it is nothing in transfer secthion. So I downloaded the same torrent and started downloading and then closed bit commet and again moved my old copy to download section to overwrite but when i reasumed download the error occured with some question of debugging. I have no idea how to finish uncomplite download. :(

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After you've moved the incomplete files over (they don't necessarily have to be in the same location, because you can change the torrent's download location while it's stopped), then do a manual hash-check. IT will take a while, but should then show the same competion % as you had before, and will pick up where it left off.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I downloaded some Las Vegas movies..and while one file completed I had not enough space on my HD. It`s on 100% allready..

I tought that it would be a good plan to re-hash it.

Is there anybody who can tell me were I can find the Re-Hash mode in Bitcomet. I`m not familiar with this type of progams..

Many thanks!!!!


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