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0.9 Megabit connection, but downloading only exactly 240kB/s


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Hello folks,

I have an 8gig connection on my internet, and up until recently I was receiving speeds of about 600kB/s+. However, I now find that my downloading speeds level out at exactly 240 kB/s. Never more, though obviously they can be less. This is not simply a Bitcomet problem - yesterday I downloaded uTorrent to see if the problem happened with that, and it did. In fact I am now running both programs together, and their combined download total is exactly 240 kB/s.

I ran a speed test yesterday and found that my speed was repeatedly said to be 0.9 Megabits. I'm not enitrely sure what that means, but I think that has to be much higher than the 240kB/s speeds I am getting with Bitcomet at the moment. This test was carried out on the same laptop computer I am using to download.

I am using BT as my ISP, with a BT voyager router. The computer I am downloading from is connected wirelessly, and has a connection reported of 24 to 36 Mbps (it varies, but is normally 24). I am using BTs Norton firewall/antivirus software. I have tried switching the firewall off, but it makes no difference to the overall speed. On this computer previously I was getting very high speeds with this connection (in the 600kB/s+ region), but now the speed has dropped to exactly 240kB/s.

I don't know enough about Bitcomet and Bitorrents to know what is going on here. Has my speed been throttled somehow? Is there some problem with the settings in Bitcomet, or the router? Or is some software clashing?

I would really appreciate any help you can give,


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THe first question, when it comes to download speed, is "do you show any peer connections initiated as REMOTE"? If they are all local or NAT, then your listen port is blocked by one of your firewalls. See the FAQ for dealing with that.

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THe first question, when it comes to download speed, is "do you show any peer connections initiated as REMOTE"? If they are all local or NAT, then your listen port is blocked by one of your firewalls. See the FAQ for dealing with that.

Yes, I have plenty of remote connections. There is no problem on that front.

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