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I found 2 bugs: total dl speed & auto nat/firewall config.


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I found 2 bugs:

1-There are a big difference between the dl speed displayed in the torrents tasks (name/size/%...ect) and the total of dl rate displayed with every peer in connected peers list (sometimes 50% of difference with the real rate, however there are many '0 KB/s' displayed in peers list :blink: ). In the auther hand, there are also a little difference between the dl/up speed rate displayed in the torrents tasks and the rate displayed in the top of BitComet window.

2-The dialogue window of auto detect/config. of the NAT/firewall in ICS/ICF (the Windows XP SP1 ICF in my case) that displayed with BitComet startup is not displayed (no ICF configuration occurs also) anymore again after the first startup of BitComet (for ex. if I decide to change the port number and restart BitComet, so I must restart my PC to see it again :huh: ).

Last thing, sometimes in BitComet log I don't see the 2 lines that confirm the detection of my ICF and that config. in both TCP and UDP, maybe for the same reasons than above.

Excuse for my english. :lol:

Edit 1: I use BitComet 0.70

Edit 2: In part -1- above.

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