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Task Propreties

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Hi everyone ;)

I have a stuck download :angry: eventhough the dowload counter is alive around 20kB/s the file doesn't increase. When I hit Task Properties



I have an indication that the disk seems full "Disk Free Space 0B"

I still have around 16Go free so this shouldn't happen :blink:

What is the solution for resuming an activ download :unsure:

Hope everything is clear. Thanks for your help ;)


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Im not sure I understand.

Try stopping that torrent, then rightclick on it and do a Manual Hash Check

After it's done then start it up again

If that doesnt help, then try to post a screenshot to help us understand what exactly is going on

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I tried the Manual Hash Check but doesn't change anything :angry: . When I hit Task Properties :



In the box "Torrent Content"

Size is :"14.87GB disk free space : 0 B

I guess this is why the file doesn't increase

Rechecking the windows properties while writing to you, I noticed that the read only was marked :oops: .

Maybe the problem comes from there :mellow: . I'll wait and see if anything changes


I'll check back soon ;) .

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First, you might want to make sure you're looking at the correct drive. You can change the download location of any particular torrent to any available pathname. So make sure you're not looking at the free space on drive D while BC is trying to download to drive C.

You'll want to double-check the write permissions on your default download directory, and make sure you have full access to it. This is the permissions on the directory itself, btw.

Try changing to a different download path for this torrent and see if that works.

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Is your hard drive using the FAT32 or NTFS?

Right click on your hard drive and goto properties

tell me what the File System is

if it's FAT32 then you cant download anything larger than 4GB

so to download anything larger you must convert the drive to NTFS

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If you changed to a different download path, but didn't move the incomplete file to that new path, then the download should have started anew. Did that happen?

If you did move the incomplete file then BitComet should have hash-checked it before resuming, or at least complained. Did that happen?

It is also quite possible that a torrent that large is causing a problem even without preallocating the disk space. The torrent's eventual size, 27 GB, is larger than your available disk space of 16 GB.

Bittorrent downloads files in pieces. Those pieces are random, not sequential. So you may have a piece from near the end of the file structure that BitComet wants to write to disk, but which would be beyond the end of available disk space. I would advise not trying to download to a path that doesn't have enough space for the whole torrent unless you can do some intermediate disk management like downloading (if possible) only a few files from the torrent, then moving them elsewhere (burning to DVD for example) and deleting them, before continuing with another portion of the torrent. This can't be done if the file is one large zip or rar archive though.

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Size is :"14.87GB disk free space : 0 B

Rechecking the windows properties while writing to you, I noticed that the read only was marked :oops: .

Maybe the problem comes from there :mellow:


This is something I missed, I think this is your problem.

Is this the torrent file you're talking about or the actual file(s) you are downloading or some other file?

If it is the actual file(s) and it is in read-only mode then Bitcomet wont be able to write to it.

Now the reason for you being unable to uncheck would be that something is currently accessing it.

Make sure that Bitcomet is closed or at least have the task stopped when you try to uncheck read-only, also make sure that no other program(media player) is using the file when you uncheck read-only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi bitdave, kluelos & all readers

sorry haven't been back in a while :) By labtop screen broke, something about an inverter :(

Anyways I followed your advice:

The Windows properties of the folder and the whole path to get there in kept open the read only box unchecked and "applied" (my system is in French hope I translate well). If ever I close it and try to open properties again the read only box rechecks :angry:

I have been downloading the file in little pieces and burning them to keep my disk as empty as possible :mellow:

But when I hit Bitcomet's properties I still have Size is :"4.10GB/27.42 disk free space : 0 B but I am getting the files ;)

The most strange part is when you recheck hash you never get the same % and the remaining download changes to :unsure:

This is quite disturbing. For example a 10GB File with 5GB Remaining to download will have everything between 10 and 90% but never 50% Or if you are at 50% of a 10GB download the remaining amount to download is never near 5GB. Any explainations :unsure:

A bientôt


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