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VIP Anoyomas Time line


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Hi hi...

Big UPs for the VIPAnnoy project :)

Timing on VIPAnoy is fantastic...

The concept is Awesome,

Once this is up and running retrieving data any other way would be reckless and fool hardy :)...

It has been mentioned if VIPAnoy task does not finish preparing and become available within say 10 min then it probably won't...

However Does this mean the data will never be available???

Or if its a new healthy torrent ( say in its first few days) Can we expect VIPAnoy to become available for it in say a week???

Often there is only one good torrent available so to give up is to miss out...



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Please keep in mind that a lot of what is said in this forum is speculation. Our development team is working hard on getting the bugs out of the system and none of us in the forum know exactly why some tasks seem to hang, while others start instantly and download effortlessly. We have a team of beta testers working on testing and submitting any tasks that fail, but we don't have unlimited resources to get this fixed immediately.

Please continue to be patient and hopefully it will soon work on all tasks.

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  • 6 months later...
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  • 5 months later...

喜喜。 大起大落的VIPAnnoy項目 時序上VIPAnoy是太棒了。 這個概念是可怕的, 一旦這和檢索數據的任何其他方式將是魯莽的,欺騙頑強的運行 已經提到,如果VIPAnoy任務沒有準備好,成為內說10分鐘,然後它可能不會... 但是這是否意味著數據將永遠不會?? 或者如果它的一個新的健康的洪流(比如前幾天)我們預計VIPAnoy成為它在說一個星期嗎?? 通常有一個很好的洪流可以放棄的是錯過了...... 乾杯... Xball

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喜喜。 大起大落的VIPAnnoy項目 時序上VIPAnoy是太棒了。 這個概念是可怕的, 一旦這和檢索數據的任何其他方式將是魯莽的,欺騙頑強的運行 已經提到,如果VIPAnoy任務沒有準備好,成為內說10分鐘,然後它可能不會... 但是這是否意味著數據將永遠不會?? 或者如果它的一個新的健康的洪流(比如前幾天)我們預計VIPAnoy成為它在說一個星期嗎?? 通常有一個很好的洪流可以放棄的是錯過了...... 乾杯... Xball

Please post in English, if you want to communicate in Chinese you can visit BitComet's chinese forum which is run by the development team.

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