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How to transfer torrent tasks to new bitcomet version

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I have installed the new 0.70 version of bitcomet, now i have a problem:

I startet downloading some torrents wich are at about 50% complete. Then i installed the new version of bitcomet, because the old (0.66) one keeps crashing. How do i transfer the half finished tasks from my old bitcomet into the new version, so that i can finish them there? :blink:

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This raises the question, "how did you go about installing the new version?" The normal, recommended method is to simply install the new version right over the old one. If you do that, there is no difficulty with picking up existing tasks right where they left off -- you need do nothing.

Failing that, exactly what did you do? If you installed the new version into a different directory (why?) did you change the default download directory to the same one the old version was using? We'll need to know more details in order to help.

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