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u/d ratio

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i am still a bit of a newbie so forgive me if this is VERY naive question! what exactly is the u/d ratio (i assume it stands for uploading vs downloading) and how does it change. one of the sources i use for torrents is telling me mine is too low but even when i leave a fully downloaded torrent connected for days it doesn't seem to change from 0.0. then there are other torrents which are in the process of downloading end up with a 0.4. do i need to reconfig something?

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U/D Ratio = The ratio on the file. When you SHARE your file (SEED/SHARE), you'll U/D ratio will go up.. You'll have to SEED (UPLOAD/SHARE) your file to atleast: 1.1. This mean that you are a good seeder, and keeps the torrent healthy!

U/D Ratio = Ratio.

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There is the ratio which your client tracks. It doesn't mean much, and is mostly FYI. The one that matters is the one the tracker keeps, which persists from session to session, and is the one they're complaining about.

Bram Cohen predicted a trap for ratio sites, and many have found it to be true. Everybody wants to improve their ratio, so everbody sticks around to seed. They're the ones who really wanted the download, and they've all got it. So here they are, thirty seeders, and no leechers. They're begging for someone, anyone, to ask them for a byte, but no takers. One site, nameless here but called something like UKNova, makes it worse by dropping all torrents after thirty days, so you never do get any takers.

Your best alternative is to find new material to seed to that site, because it all becomes credit for you. If they don't have some silly restrictions on uploading, it's usually not too hard to find material they don't have but would like.

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In Bitcomet, the ratio is expressed as a decimal -- upload divided by download -- rather than an expressed fraction. Anything lower than 1.0 indicates a need to seed more. But I emphasize, a ratio tracking site doesn't know or care what your client claims your ratio is, for better or worse. They know/care only about what's been reported to them, over the long term, by your client every time you scrape the tracker. They also don't usually bother with what your ratio is for any given torrent, it's cumulative for all torrents.

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Just leave it to it says 1.0.. And then seed a bit more.. Or even better, look at the "summary", and scrool down to the buttom. There it says how much you have downloaded, and how much you have uploaded. When you have uploaded as much as you have downloaded, you can delete the torrent with a clear conscience. :)

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