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Salut am si eu o problema cu bitcomentul de fiecare data cand il pornesc nu mai pot sa folosesc netul nu pot sa deschid nici o pagina nimic si dupa ce il inchid trebuie sa dau un restart la modem sau la pc ca sa am net din nou. OS; Windows xp sp3, intel core 2 duo e7300 2.53, 2 gb ram, isp: upc 1 mb/s modem motorola 5b51013, Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 si bitcomet 0.70

Hi I have a problem with BitComet, every time I start it I can't use the internet anymore, I can't open any web page, nothing, and after I close it I must restart the modem or the PC for me to have internet again. OS Windows xp sp3, intel core 2 duo e7300 2.53, 2 gb ram, isp: upc 1 mb/s modem motorola 5b51013, Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 and bitcomet 0.70.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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isp: upc 1 mb/s modem motorola 5b51013

Nu exista modemul acela, poti verifica din nou?

Problema asta se intampla cand BitComet foloseste prea mult din latimea ta de banda. Trebuie sa setezi cateva limite in meniul options. Dar, mai intai mergi aici si revii cu rezultatele.

That modem does not exist, can you check it again?

That problem occurs when BitComet uses too much of your bandwidth. You must set some limits in the options menu.

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http://www.speedtest...t/608095687.png test pe bucuresti si http://www.speedtest...t/608098573.png pe New York modem motorola SB5101E-CN.

http://www.speedtest.net/result/608095687.png tested on a server from Bucharest and http://www.speedtest.net/result/608098573.png tested on a server from New York modem motorola SB5101E-CN.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Try to uninstall KIS (not disable it) to see if that solves your problem (or you could try and kill manually all its processes if you can). I've seen quite a good deal of complaints lately, related to problems with KIS and BitTorrent clients.

Namely, for some reason (I don't know if it's faulty configuration or a bug) it perceives the multitude of connections which are normal for BT, as a DOS attack and freezes all Internet traffic.

If you can't find another solution this might be worth a try.

Incearca sa dezinstalezi Kaspersky Internet security (nu-l dezactivezi) ca sa vezi daca asta iti rezolva problema (sau sa inchizi manual toate procesele lui daca poti). Am vazut multe plangeri in ultimul timp, in legatura cu KIS si cliente BitTorrent.

Mai exact, dintr-un anume motiv (nu stiu daca e configurarea gresita sau e o problema cu programul) percepe multitudinea de conexiuni care e normala pentru BT, ca fiind un atac DOS si blockeaza tot traficul.

Daca nu gasesti o alta solutie, merita sa incerci asta.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Pentru a nu avea probleme cu navigarea si a mentine o comunicare buna cu partenerii din Bittorrent trebuie sa ai un minim de latime de banda disponibila tot timpul, de aceea e bine sa limitezi traficul BitComet. Mergi in BitComet/Options/Connection si seteaza Global Max Upload Rate la 129kB/s si in BitComet/Options/Long time seeding seteaza Upload Rate Limits For Long Time Seeding la 18kB/s. Asta inseamna 70% din viteza ta maxima de incarcare pentru traficul total BitTorrent din BitComet si 10% pentru Long Time seeding.

For you to have no problems with browsing and to maintain a good communication with the other Bittorrent peers, you must have a minimum of bandwidth available at all times, that's why you should limit BitComet's traffic. Go to BitComet/Options/Connection and set Global Max Upload Rate at 129kB/s and in BitComet/Options/Long time seeding set Upload Rate Limits For Long Time Seeding at 18kB/s. This is 70% of your maximum upload rate for the overall BitTorrent traffic in BitComet and 10% for Long Time Seeding.

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