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viteza de download scauta ...

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Ma confrunt cu urmatoarea situatie in ceea ce priveste download-ul cu ajutorul BitCommet :

Pot sa fac download dar la viteza mica .

In partea de jos unde imi arata porturile pe care se conecteaza programul imi arata ceva de genu ....

DHT Connected:1409

imediat langa chetia asta ....

Blocked:ip:26057 - your listen port is blocked. Yo can still download but the speed may not be very fast. Please check your Firewall and NAT Router configurations.

Clar ceva legat de router ... numa ca problema e ca nu prea stiu eu sa il configurez :))

As fi foarte recunoscator daca mi-ar explica si mie cineva ce anume ar trebui sa fac ... ( daca are careva rabdarea necesara bineinteles ...:))

Detalii :

OS: Windows XP SP 2

Antivirus: McAfee v. 11.2

BitComet: v. 1.16

Router: D-Link Model: DIR 301 (wireless) - legatura intre comp si router prin cablu nu wireless ...

Porturile nu le-am deschis in router ( nu stiu sa le deschid ... )

Legat de conexiunea la internet tot ceea ce stiu e ca abonamentul e facut la Romtelecom, ip static ...

In speranta ca va avea cineva rabdarea necesara sa trateze acest post ...

Multumesc anticipat !

Cu respect,



I am facing the following situation regarding downloading with BitComet:

I can download but at a low speed.

In the lower side where it shows me the ports that the program uses to connect shows something like this....

DHT Connected:1409

right next to it..

Blocked:ip:26057 - your listen port is blocked. Yo can still download but the speed may not be very fast. Please check your Firewall and NAT Router configurations.

It's clearly something related to the router ... the problem is that I don't know how to configure it.

I'd be very grateful if someone would tell me what exactly I should be doing (if he has the necessary patience, of course)


OS: Windows XP SP 2

Antivirus: McAfee v. 11.2

BitComet: v. 1.16

Router: D-Link Model: DIR 301 (wireless) The link between the router and the pc is made with a cable, not wireless.

I haven't opened the ports in the router (I don't know how to open them ... )

All I know regarding my internet connection is that my ISP is Romtelecom, static IP ...

Hoping that someone will have the patience to address this post ...

Thanks in advance !

With respect,


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You will need to read your router's manual in order to learn how to forward your listen port. You can obtain some supplemental instruction at www.portforward.com about your specific brand and model of router and the specific applications you want to work with, but the manual is remarkably clear and straightforward.

Instructions from portforward are additions to, and not replacements for reading and understanding the manual.

Don't worry too much about it, this is not that difficult or technical.

Va trebui sa citesti manualul router-ului ca sa inveti cum se deschide un port. Poti gasi instructiuni suplimentare despre marca si modelul tau de router si despre aplicatiile pentru care ai nevoie la www.portforward.com dar manualul este remarcabil de clar si precis.

Instructiunile de pe portforward sunt aditii la, si nu inlcuiesc cititul si intelegerea manualului.

Nu te ingrijora prea mult, acest lucru nu e atat de dificil sau tehnic.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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@ kluelos: If s/he got the router from his/er ISP, I must point out that Romtelecom does not, usually, include manuals with the hardware in the "packs" it provides "freely". They only give a manual (made by them) on how to properly install and set up the internet connection.

Utterly stupid, I know,,,

@Fene: You'll find the required instructions here, in english. For romanian click the following button:

Deschide un navigator si scrie in bara de adrese

Iti va aparea o fereastra cerandu-ti un nume si o parola, in mod implicit acestea sunt admin si la parola lasi liber.

Dai click pe butonul log in. Apoi apesi pe butonul Advanced din susul paginii.

Din noua fereastra alegi Port forwarding din stanga paginii.

Bifeaza Enable si scrie o denumire pentru regula in casuta Name (de ex BitComet) .

Alege numele calculatorului tau din lista "Computer Name" .

In casutele Start si End scrii un numar mai mare decat 49152, si-l tii minte.

La Traffic Type lasi Any, Dai Save Settings din susul paginii si apoi inchizi navigatorul.

Deschizi fereastra BitComet si dai click pe Options/Preferences si selectezi Connection din lista din dreapta. Scrii numarul de port, pe care l-ai scris in router, in casuta Listen Port si dai click pe OK.

Daca bulina din josul paginii se face verde inseamna ca ai terminat, daca nu, inseamna ca mai ai un firewall in calculator (de ex McAfee SecurityCenter v11.2) si trebuie sa faci o regula in el,

. Did you create a rule to allow BitComet in McAfee v.11.2's personal firewall?

@kluelos: Daca are routerul de la ISP, trebuie sa mentionez ca, de obicei, Romtelecom nu include un manual in "pachetele" distribuite "gratis". Ei dau doar un manual (facut de ei) despre cum se instaleaza si seteteaza conexunea la internet.

Idiotenie cumplita, stiu,,,

@Fene: Vei gasi instructiunile necesare aici, in engleza, pentru romana da click pe urmatorul buton:

Deschide un navigator si scrie in bara de adrese

Iti va aparea o fereastra cerandu-ti un nume si o parola, in mod implicit acestea sunt admin si la parola lasi liber.

Dai click pe butonul log in. Apoi apesi pe butonul Advanced din susul paginii.

Din noua fereastra alegi Port forwarding din stanga paginii.

Bifeaza Enable si scrie o denumire pentru regula in casuta Name (de ex BitComet) .

Alege numele calculatorului tau din lista "Computer Name" .

In casutele Start si End scrii un numar mai mare decat 49152, si-l tii minte.

La Traffic Type lasi Any, Dai Save Settings din susul paginii si apoi inchizi navigatorul.

Deschizi fereastra BitComet si dai click pe Options/Preferences si selectezi Connection din lista din dreapta. Scrii numarul de port, pe care l-ai scris in router, in casuta Listen Port si dai click pe OK.

Daca bulina din josul paginii se face verde inseamna ca ai terminat, daca nu, inseamna ca mai ai un firewall in calculator (de ex McAfee SecurityCenter v11.2) si trebuie sa faci o regula in el,

. Ai creat o regula permisiva pentru BitComet in firewallul personal al McAfee v.11.2?

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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I found the router manual (English, anyway) online with no trouble. It's certainly worth trying to find and download.

You should also read the manual with an eye towards security, because this is an ever-growing problem. There are ways to keep others from freeloading on your wireless signals, and changing the default login to prevent unauthorized access, that are important.

Am gasit manualul router-ului ( in Engleza, oricum) pe internet fara probleme. In mod cert merita gasit si descatcat.

Trebuie sa citesti manualul cancentrandu-te la securitate, pentru ca asta este o problema in crestere continua. Sunt moduri de a-i respinge pe cei care vor sa-ti fure semnalele tale wireless, si de a schimba datele de logare pentru a preveni accesul neautorizat, care sunt importante.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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@Kluelos: It's a lot harder to find one in Romanian, or so it seems. He can use a translation app/site, but that won't help him much.

Here's the english manual. (PDF/opens with Adobe reader)

@Kluelos: Este mult mai greu de gasit unul in Romana, sau asa se pare. Poate folosi un program/site de translatare, dar asta nu-l va ajuta cu mult.

Uite manualul in engleza. (PDF/se deschide cu Adobe reader)

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SOHO routers all tend to be very similar, differing mostly in terminology. Some call it "forwarding a port" while others call it "setting up a virtual server". If you read perhaps a half-dozen manuals for different makes and models it becomes clear what is going on.

So even if you cannot find the manual for your router in your language, try reading all of the manuals that you can find in that language, whether in print or on the web.

Once you have gone through five or six different ways of doing exactly the same thing, chances are that you will never need a manual to configure a router again, because you now understand this technology at a fundamental level. Portforward.com will help you to confirm what you already know, but will no longer be necessary.

Toate router-ele pentru acasa si birou tind sa fie foarte asemanatoare, distingandu-se doar prin terminologie. Unele o numesc "deschiderea unui port" in timp ce altele o numesc "setarea unui server virtual". Daca citesti poate cateva manuale pentru diferite marci si modele intelegi ce se intampla.

Asa ca chiar daca nu poti gasi manualul in limba ta, incearca sa citesti toate manualele pe care le gasesti in acea limba, fie ele pe hartie sau pe web.

Odata ce ai citit despre cinci sau sase moduri diferite de a face acelasi lucru, e probabil ca nu vei mai avea nevoie de un manual pentru a configura un router, pentru ca acum intelegi aceasta tehnologie la un nivel fundamental. Portforward.com te va ajuta sa confirmi ceea ce stii deja, dar nu va mai fi necesar.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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