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B0 files

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i too am having a prob !

can anyone please explain (in plain english) coz am a bit thick (new to this).

what is a file with extension BC! i looked elswhere in the forum and it said that it was a BitComet incomplete download ... what does this mean ?

does it mean i will not get a complete file or will it be complete once fully d/led ?

please let me know.

thanx for all your help guys.

Oh ! by the way great forums ... i love visiting you guys quite regularly

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This is straight from the settings guide:

Add .bc! Extension to Incomplete File:

When this option is enabled, BitComet will add ".bc!" to the end of the file extension. Instead of


the filename will be changed to


in the directory listing.

BitComet will change the extension back to normal when the download completes. This is useful because you can tell from a glance at the directory, which files are incomplete. It will also save you the mistake of trying to use an incomplete file.

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