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Folosesc BitComet 1.10 si imi apare in colt\dreapta\jos o bulina galbena si in dreptul ei scrie Blocat\IP\Port. Am inteles k e posibil sa imi afecteze viteza de download. Cum pot sa o fac sa fie verde??

Antivirus: Norton Internet Security ver

Malwarebytes` Anti-Malware 1.45 ( aveam bulina galbena si inainte de al instala)

IP stabil Conexiune: Cablu(cred)





I use BitComet 1.10 and I see a yellow light in the lower right corner and it says Blocked\IP\Port next to it. From what I can gather it can affect my download speed. How can I make it green?

Antivirus: Norton IS V16.8.0.41

Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware 1.45 (I had a yellow light even before installing it)

Static IP, Connection: Cable(I think)

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Please do not post the same question twice. Once is sufficient.

You have a firewall blocking your listen port. You must configure the firewall to open that port for incoming traffic. How you do that depends on which firewall(s) you use. Often, if you connect through a router, it has a built-in firmware firewall (which is why we ask for your connection information in the topic marked "READ BEFORE POSTING").

When you use speedtest.net to determine the speed of your connection, it will automatically find the closest server to you. Network latency will greatly affect the results of the test, so it's a very bad idea to use a server that is far away. Each hop adds to the latency and increased the odds of packet loss on the network.

Te rog nu posta aceeasi intrebare de doua ori. O data e suficient

Ai un firewall care-ti blocheaza portul de ascultare. Trebuie sa configurezi paravanul sa deschida acel port pentru conexiuni de intrare. Cum faci asta depinde de ce paravan folosesti. Deseori, daca te conectezi printr-un router, are un paravan incorporat firmware( de aceea te intrebam despre conexiunea ta in topicul "Cititi aici inainte de a cere ajutor").

Cand folosesti Speedtest.net pentru a determina viteza conexiunii tale, va gasi in mod automat serverul cel mai apropiat de tine. Latenta retelei va afecta foarte mult rezultatele testului, asa ca e o idee foarte rea sa alegi un server departat. Fiecare nod adauga la latenta si creste sansele de a pierde pachete pe retea.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Nu nu folosesc router! Cablul vine direct din switch

I don't use a router! The cable comes directly from the switch.



Mai trebuie facute si alte setari?

Va multumesc k mi-ati raspuns!! Scuze de dublu post!!

Are there any other settings that must be done?

Thank you for replying!! Sorry for double posting!!

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You have a firewall blocking your listen port. Since we aren't there to investigate your system, it is up to you to find the firewall(s) in question.

Firewalls can be software, running on your machine. Software firewalls have no way to be aware of each other, so it's quite possible that you have more than one running, and you may not even know about all of them.

Firewalls can be firmware, running in the hardware you own that connects you to the internet. This can be a router, it can be in some modems, it can be in switches or simply access points. Any of these might have a firewall. Almost all routers do, the other devices less commonly so.

Firewalls can be external. Your service provider may have you firewalled, and you usually cannot do anything about that or control the firewall you're behind. Almost all wireless connections of whatever kind are firewalled. Very often, internet connections that come with the facility -- office, dormitory, apartment, hotel -- are firewalled.

You can easily have multiple firewalls of different types, without knowing it. Multiple firewalls do not make you safer. They just cause headaches because anything that is done to configure one firewall must be done to all of them. On the other hand, you must have at least one firewall. Never, ever connect to the internet without a known working firewall.

It seems likely that you have not properly configured Norton to allow incoming traffic on your listen port. I discommend all third-party firewalls such as Norton, and suggest that you not use one. The built-in windows firewall is all you need, and BitComet will configure if automatically if so set. Norton's other capabilities, like its antivirus, are ok, but you can get free products that are much better behaved.

You need one firewall. You should disable/uninstall all of the others if you can. if you cannot, or chose not to, then you must configure all of them to allow incoming traffic on your listen port. If you cannot do this, then you will have to simply tolerate the resulting slow transfer speed.

Ai un firewall care-ti blocheaza portul de ascultare. Avand in vedere ca nu suntem acolo sa-ti investigam sistemul, trebuie sa gasesti tu paravanele in discutie.

Paravanele pot fi software, ruland in calculatorul tau. Paravanele software nu au cum sa fie constiente de prezenta altora ca ele, asa ca e foarte posibil sa ai mai mult de unul, si e posibil ca tu sa nu stii de toate.

Paravanele pot fi firmware, prezente in aparatura detinuta de tine care te conecteaza la internet. Acesta poate fi un router, poate fi in modemuri,poate fi in switch-uri sau pur si simplu puncte de acces. Oricare din acestea poate avea un firewall. Aproape toate routerele au, celelalte dispozitive mai putin.

Paravanele pot fi externe. Distribuitorul tau de internet te poate pune in spatele unui paravan, si de obicei nu poti face nimic in legatura cu asta si nici sa controlezi acel paravan. Aproape toate serviciile wireless, de oricare tip sunt in spatele unui paravan. Foarte des, serviciile de internet care vin odata cu spatiul -- birou, dormitor, apartament, hotel -- sunt in spatele unui paravan.

Poti avea usor multiple paravanuri de tipuri diferite, fara sa stii. PAravanele multiple nu te fac mai in siguranta. Ele doar cauzeaza dureri de cap deoarece orice faci la unul din ele, trebuie facut la toate restul. Pe cealalta parte, trebuie sa ai cel putin un firewall. Nu te conecta niciodata, in veci, la internet fara un firewall cunoscut, activ.

Cel mai probabil nu ti-ai configurat paravanul de la norton pentru a da voie conexiunilor de intrare pe portul de ascultare. Nu-ti recomand paravanele personale cum e norton, si-ti sugerez sa nu folosesti unul. Paravanul incorporat de la windows este tot ce ai nevoie, iar BitComet il va configura automat daca e setat sa faca asta. Celelalte capabilitati ale lui norton, cum ar fi antivirusul sunt bune dar poti gasi alte aplicatii antivirus gratis care se comporta mai frumos.

Ai nevoie de un singur paravan. Opreste/dezinstaleaza restul daca poti. Daca nu poti, sau nu vrei, trebuie sa le configurezi pe toate sa dea voie la traficul de intrare pe acel port de ascultare. Daca nu poti sa faci asta, va trebui sa tolerezi vitezele mici de transfer rezultate.

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Da e doar un switch, eu il alimentez numai k el e afara intr-o cutie si daca nu ma insel e un Repotec(1708k)sau TRENDnet(te100-s88eplus)nu mai stiu de care am pus acolo!

Daca e vre-o problema legata de server, o pot rezolva k il cunosc pe administrator!!

Yes, it's just a switch, I supply power to it, but it's in a box outside an if I recall correctly, it's a Repotec(1708k) or TRENDnet(te100-s88eplus) I don't know for sure what I put in there!

If it's a problem related to the server, I can fix it because I know the administrator!!

LE: Gata am rezolvat problema!! Am instalat o alta versiune BitComet 1.20 si mi-am facut si cont!!

Multumesc mult k a-ti avut timp si pentru mine!!


It's done, I fixed the problem!! I installed another version of BitComet, 1.20, and I registered too!!

Thanks a lot for having enough time for me too!!

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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